cut my dick


Well-Known Member
i cut my dick the other day zipping up.Right near the head.It hurts so fucking bad still.
Please guys watch yourself when zipping cause this is horrible.Forcing me to use condoms cause if i go raw the pains unbearable.
Im thinking bout putting neo sporin on it.

This is a Public Service Announcement.


Pickle Queen
awww sending u a few cyber kisses and licks for ur injured soldier, please take good care and zip slowly muffin, ur junk is important to the ladies ;)


Well-Known Member
I heard some shit about some dudes who used to cut their dicks to halucinate, like some shamens, they would cut their dick like crazy and go into a trance


Well-Known Member
I heard some shit about some dudes who used to cut their dicks to halucinate, like some shamens, they would cut their dick like crazy and go into a trance
Pierce it with a stingray barb, scrotum too..."bathe" in the blood and hallucinate from the blood loss(and some good ass South American drugs!!) least somewhere in south america...


Well-Known Member
I heard some shit about some dudes who used to cut their dicks to halucinate, like some shamens, they would cut their dick like crazy and go into a trance
once it happened i completely sobered up.
We can put that myth to rest.


Well-Known Member
Well after slicing my penis up I would hope to be in a some sort of trance.
I heard some shit about some dudes who used to cut their dicks to halucinate, like some shamens, they would cut their dick like crazy and go into a trance


Well-Known Member
Naw, in all seriousness, that shit even leave a scar so you can tell the chicks "I swear, it's nothing, I just zipped it up in my pants, I'm clean!"


Well-Known Member
Damn dude you can probably be prescribed some pills for that. For now just get april to rub some neosporin on it for you.


Well-Known Member
Eep. If it's any consolation, I've caught myself in a zipper once or twice. This is delicate flesh we're talking about X3

April's got one side covered, I'll help rub it better.

Aw, geez. I'm deeply sorry to hear that. Lingering pain and whatnot. Have you cleaned it? Maybe put a spray plaster on it just to give it some kind of protection day to day, too x

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
if any other person made this thread i wouldnt go into it :lol: good laugh at some posts though hahahaha