Customer Rams Truck into Taco Bell Over Missing Taco


Well-Known Member
Each year, I eat slower food. By choice? (shakes head)

The thing that astounds me about both the OP incident and the posts essentially cheering the act on is the utter lack of a sense of *gradation* or proportion. Get stiffed a taco? Should the response not be in proportion? I'll bet that if Dodge Ram Dude had simply gone around again (or - shiver! - parked, walked in and calmly stated his case) the taco count would have been fixed. Impress a manager with your calm customer-feedback skills and there might even be a "we value your business" kind of coupon in it, good for Lifelike Food Substitute next go-round.

Fast-food workers are humans, mi compadRIUs, overworked ones. A little empathy - ??
don't try to take away ramming from the large d, that's just cruel. otherwise, this applies.