My apologies in advance for asking a rather simple question, I recently moved and my only access to the internet is throuh phone for the time being. I will be attempting my hand at a true organic style in the coming months, and hoping to make a mixture I will only have to ro water. I have been using advanced nutrients organic line for 5 years now and would like to just cut the bottled nutes out. I would like advice and comments on whether my soil mix will be to heavy in nutes and what I could or should add or cut back on etc. Thanks in advance. My soil mixture will consist of3 cubic ft fox farm ocean forest soil1.5 cf dr earth natural compost (contains alfalfa, kelp meal, and worm casting)1.5 cf coarse perlite4 cups greensand4 cups dolomite lime2 cup fish bone meal 3-18-02 cup blood meal 13-0-02 cup alfalfa meal 2-1-22 cup kelp meal .6-.5-2.52 cup gypsum2 cup fox farm all purpose 5-5-5.5 to 1 cubic foot? Mushroom compostAnd I'm unsure on the amount for mushhroom compost or the soft rock phosphate, or bat guano. This will be going into 5 gallon smart pots for the clones to root and vegge in for about 4 to 6 weeks at which time I would transplant to 10 gallon pots vegge another 2 weeks and begin flower, when I transfer to the flower (10) gallon pots I would switch to a high p guano instead of high n. I will also innoculate with mycos and let the mixture cook 30 days before use. Does this sound appropriate or perhaps I should change some things? I appreciate all input
sorry if I left out anything I will get back to all answers as soon as possible.