Yeah defoliation does work, IF done correctly as you specified. Done correctly meaning never to clip the very upper fan leaves, tuck like RuPaul whenever possible, and use selective harvesting so as to leave the buds on the lower part of the canopy intact in order to swell further...
man, i really hate the journal section of this forum.. Im going to put the updates in this thread if thats not a problem, seein its pertaining.

went to 6/10 today, here is what they look like, 500 PAR today, and started bloom nutes, so they get Recharge, Calmag, MegaCrop, and PH Perfect AN nutes, every feed, 1/4 strength, 3 times a day. RO water and molasses every 7th day.

day22veg-Sat1.png day22veg-Sat2.png
Um, why the molasses?

The amounts of micro's nute's in molasses don't do much at all.....Carbs to the soil? Your running synthetic so that don't do much at all either....Especially with AN...

I would be more inclined to water a metered amount once daily. Extended soil wetness, eventually screws with pH of the soil....problems start.

Soil gets wet and the pH (of the soil) drops....As the soil dry's back out. The pH climes back to "normal".... Nutrients are available to the plant at differing pH values per the nutrient .

This "swing" in pH is how "nature" evens out the plants ability to use those differing nutrients..
i use Recharge, microbs, they love the molasses. Ive used this watering combination last run, but was watering 8 times a day. they loved it. I have my nutes and medium dialed in. I use Cocoloco straight.
here was my last run before i chopped it down due to horrible humidity problem i couldnt control. and the run before this one ended up with mold and had to trash 90g because i freaked out,lol.. 65 days from seed, 5 days into flower. 2 plants, 3 gallon fabs, I chopped it down on this day. day65bud5scrogmon1.png
I am also interested in 12 on 24 off. Actually i have a Critical Kali Mist ''CKM''by delicious seeds, i loved that plant and took lots of clones like 30+ and it was the healthiest of all, sweet structure, i loved it from seedling, sometimes if u rub against stem or leaves, the smell would remind me of actual cheese, not the strains, sweet. But when it came to flowering, days passed, and she grew, i had other strains in there too, they were budding while she was just growing crazy. Funny thing, i started wrapping my cabinet with its branches like in a square fashion. 9 weeks in 12/12(11/13 last 4 weeks), not even a single bud on that. Then one day leaves started wilting. I gave her a high dose of ferts, and in 3 days she died. Now i wasted all that 30+ clones, but kept one:p. All because i hve never smelled anything like it before. But still have that anger inside me of her not flowering on me while i loved her. So m in revenge mode:bigjoint:
I transplanted that clone in 1L paint bucket. Now for next grow, i already have an experiment planned. Before that, i did extreme topping, i mean like 60 tops, but here is the thing.... It had more branches, but a lot of them were so weak. Very uneven growth after topping, sometimes after topping the branch will just ignore the topping and still grow in one branch. So i don't like it. This happened to CKM as well. So i like the look and appeal of the main central cola. And the idea is to get multiple main colas. So thats why i cloned too much of them . So CKMsss 30+ clones discarded, next grow plan is 3 paint buckets, the big ones, it says 20kg on the buckets. Each bucket has like 8 to 10 clones.

Now here is the Good news, its been 2 months since all above, and here is what i did to that CKM to make it flower, it is still in a 1litre bucket. I would take that plant, it was 2ft in height. i would put it in a separate cabinet for 24hrs in dark, then back in my original flower cabinet, i would do this again and again. sometime i forgot to put it back, so it stayed maximum for 3 days in dark, then back in flower, i did it for almost a month, and finally CKM showed flower formation, which i never saw before, currently m in 9th week, i also wanted to do another experiment. i bend its main stem 90 degree, to place it below / under my flowering plants, where there is no light at all, but thats the only place i could find, so one bend 90 degree, and another bend was like 170 degree, felt bad, but i wanted to see weather it dies or not. And guess, that plant is still going and i can see flowers are forming there, though extreemely small. but the thing is i made it flower clearly, by randomly putting it in dark. I have to say that she is a hell of a survivor.
Though it might take couple months more, but i dont mind, because it is negligible to me, and my main crop is growing above its head very nicely.
To contribute to this discusion, i want to say that yes no more than 12 hrs will keep it in flowering. not sure what will happen above that, i think it will put it in veg, but increasing dark time upto 3 days randomly has forced it to flower. its been a month since i have not touched it, its in 12 12 but its flowering, not growing vegetatively, while before that it kept on veg growth even after 2 months in 13-11.
Now i really want to know about 12 on, 24 off. Regarding people saying mixed thoughts about 14-10 or 13-11, some says it works, some says it doesnt.
here is what i think, the ones who say 12/12 give more yeild say it because they are usually harvesting near breeders mentioned time. While the ones saying it reduces yeilds, are also doing the same. u get my point, but as compared to the ones who say 10/14 worked and yeild was good, i believe they are not lying, they are telling the truth, the missing piece is they are letting it go longer than breeder mentioned time.
It makes sense in another way too. Suppose by increasing darkness to 14 hours, you are behind 2 hours of light everyday, thats what 160 hours for a 80 days grow, if we convert it to day to add, its 16 days so yeah two weeks more maybe and you are at same light hours during the whole grow and i belive this will work, right now i have two grows coming in 2 different cabnets, one is at 9 weeks and one is at first week. I finally took the decision yesterday to change both of them to 14 off 10 on, because same plants, my very first grow, i was in such a hurry, i quickly changed my time to 14-10 and this time iam far far behind with 12 12. though in my first grow i choped them at day 73 or 74. look, with 10-14,90% pistils were dark
dark brown and receded back at day 75 with your typical mostly cloudy few amber few clear trics theme. Now this time 99% pistils are still white at day 61 today with 12/12. you tell me which one is better. well since yesterday its 14-10 and iam keeping it for now. Will see the difference again between my current 9 week grow and 1 week grow. 12-12 is way slow for me. 14-10 was way faster, but i never got the chance to give them more time. This time, i will harvest in parts, and after that, next experiment is straight away reveg of the current grow.
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Thanks for the speedy response. I figured something along those lines would happen as 18hrs daylight in bloom is an unnatural occurrence but then again so is vegging for 24hrs... Curiosity alone may drive me to try this but it would be a while before I'm able to post results as I'd much rather take a cutting, wait for it to root, and then veg it for at least two weeks before flipping. I don't think I want to waste a whole plant on such a foolish

''''I figured something along those lines would happen as 18hrs daylight in bloom is an unnatural occurrence but then again so is vegging for 24hrs''''
You got my attention:p
10/14 over a year with yields not suffering and plants finishing a couple days faster. Showing sex about the same time also. Using 15% or so less lights on time has a nice effect on my bill also. Everything else is the same. I run very wide spectrum white COBs and LEDs and have not tried with a more spiked HPS spectrum.
10/14 over a year with yields not suffering and plants finishing a couple days faster. Showing sex about the same time also. Using 15% or so less lights on time has a nice effect on my bill also. Everything else is the same. I run very wide spectrum white COBs and LEDs and have not tried with a more spiked HPS spectrum.
Dear Hillbill, i have read this same sentence in some thread before and it was one of the deciding factor for me pulling trigger on 10-14. Thank you8)
That's my point exactly!!! I hear that flowering is triggered by long nights as opposed to shorter days so if the shorter day doesn't play a roll in triggering flowering perhaps it wouldn't play a role in un-triggering it....

And until someone points me to some concrete evidence stating otherwise I think it's worth trying.

I think thats simple. If here is anyone who have re vegged a plant after harvest by putting it back in 24 light, and if it re-vegged, that would mean this theory doesn't work, Because before harvest, they plant knew its in flower by the last dark period, and then it got straight light for 20 days, if your theory is right, it would re-flower instead of re veg.... make sense?
i know about clones taken in 6th or 7th week in flowering, they were put under simple cfl for continuously for a month, and they reveged not reflower. But a clone is a different story, they start their lower part i.e. root, totally new from zero, so it could be affecting the move from flower to veg.
Btw, iam going to start a reveg in a month. So well see how continuous exposure to light directly after flower will do what to the plant, i think it will reveg without the dark period telling it to reveg because there will be no dark period. Also your theory suggests that if a plant has initiated flowering and then you put it back in light for 2 months, i should keep on flowering, which is highly unlikely, Thats for sure because i have taken plants out of flowering and put them under straight light to reveg, and they reveged without dark period telling them to reveg. This just simply means light on length plays a role too.
If flowering is trigered by long nights, vice versa makes sense i.e vegging is trigered by long days..thats most logical explanation..any thoughts
So keeping the light on not above 12, while increasing the dark upto 3days, helped my ckm to flower, and it didnt die, and i think thats the way to go. i actually want to try 12 on 24 of. cant find any experiments on that. Also i read somewhere that during the light on, plant makes carb, glucose, and use it during dark, if somehow we can find the amount of sugars made duringlight on, and amount of sugar consumed during lights of, then we can figure out a scedual based on that information, for example, what if 2 hours in light makes sugars for 10 hours of dark, then keeping light on for another 8 hours is useless, while same is opposite, if 12 hours of light produced sugars that can last for 24 hours, the most efficient cycle would be 12 on 24off then. But its just a thought.... any thoughts:p
If flowering is trigered by long nights, vice versa makes sense i.e vegging is trigered by long days..thats most logical explanation..any thoughts
So keeping the light on not above 12, while increasing the dark upto 3days, helped my ckm to flower, and it didnt die, and i think thats the way to go. i actually want to try 12 on 24 of. cant find any experiments on that. Also i read somewhere that during the light on, plant makes carb, glucose, and use it during dark, if somehow we can find the amount of sugars made duringlight on, and amount of sugar consumed during lights of, then we can figure out a scedual based on that information, for example, what if 2 hours in light makes sugars for 10 hours of dark, then keeping light on for another 8 hours is useless, while same is opposite, if 12 hours of light produced sugars that can last for 24 hours, the most efficient cycle would be 12 on 24off then. But its just a thought.... any thoughts:p
Use more paragraphs.

If I read you right, A reveged plant has the veg hormones dominant, that is why it dosnt go directly back into flower.

I think the light intensity is a determining factor in how long the dark cycle can be.
OP is saying> if light on duration will not put the plant into veg. then we can increase light on duration as much as we can while plant remains in flower.
Iam saying i have put clones under continous light, they vege
Use more paragraphs.

If I read you right, A reveged plant has the veg hormones dominant, that is why it dosnt go directly back into flower.

I think the light intensity is a determining factor in how long the dark cycle can be.

Thanks , i will use more paragraphs.
Yeah, but thats a later stage story. When we start to reveg, at that point, just before starting reveg, that plant is full on flower mode.
When we switch to 24 light on, then it will revert back to veg. veg hormones will start increasing after that point. So continuous exposure to light will change the plant back to veg from flowering.
Hence lights on cycle affects the plants state. Continuous exposure to light will put any flowering plant back to veg.
But i believe the dark period can be increased.
So there is a upper threshold of light on time, which is usually known as 12hrs. above 12 hours light will change plants state to veg.
This all is in response to the first post, the idea to increase light above 12 hrs while keeping the plant in flower. I dont think its possible
OP is saying> if light on duration will not put the plant into veg. then we can increase light on duration as much as we can while plant remains in flower.
Iam saying i have put clones under continous light, they vege

Thanks , i will use more paragraphs.
Yeah, but thats a later stage story. When we start to reveg, at that point, just before starting reveg, that plant is full on flower mode.
When we switch to 24 light on, then it will revert back to veg. veg hormones will start increasing after that point. So continuous exposure to light will change the plant back to veg from flowering.
Hence lights on cycle affects the plants state. Continuous exposure to light will put any flowering plant back to veg.
But i believe the dark period can be increased.
So there is a upper threshold of light on time, which is usually known as 12hrs. above 12 hours light will change plants state to veg.
This all is in response to the first post, the idea to increase light above 12 hrs while keeping the plant in flower. I dont think its possible
So then the question might be when will a plant reveg? What is the minimum duration of light (or ratio of light to dark) I reveg under 18/6 without any 24 hr period of light, I dont have 100% success. I think the limit is probably similar to what we have seen with initiating flower 14 or 15 hours light would probably be the minimum for reveg.

I think day length can be extended as long as there is a corresponding increase in night lenght, though it might increase yield, I dont think it is a more effecient way to grow the plant. Thant's not the op's argument though.
So then the question might be when will a plant reveg? What is the minimum duration of light (or ratio of light to dark) I reveg under 18/6 without any 24 hr period of light, I dont have 100% success. I think the limit is probably similar to what we have seen with initiating flower 14 or 15 hours light would probably be the minimum for reveg.

I think day length can be extended as long as there is a corresponding increase in night lenght, though it might increase yield, I dont think it is a more effecient way to grow the plant. Thant's not the op's argument though.

There are two types of reveg. One is you harvested the plant and left couple small flowers and leaves on the stem, and the plant has just a big rootball mainly. Its harvested.

Second type of reveg is the plant suppose stayed for 4 weeks in flower and then for some reason u had to take it out of flowering tent and u put it under 18-6 or 24hrs light. Now for this i had an experience, my very first grow, two seeds germinated, 2 didnt, and i put 4 more seeds thinking atleast two will germinate, and the 4 outa 4 germinated. Now i had 6 plants, two plants 15 days older then the 4 late comers. Since it was my first grow, i made a box out of cardboard. For some reason, the first two plants that were 15 days older, trippled in size, wile the 4 late comers, they didnt go above 1 ft.
And there were two or 4 preflowers on all 4, and i said to myself, i put them in flower so early, and these 4 will be a waste and i will get almost nothing out of them. Now thats a reason to take out plants from flowering and reveg them .

I put them under continous light, within 15 days, there was new veg growth. Now the first type of reveg, where you reveg after harvest, i have NO prior experience of that, and this time, after a month, i will put that to test. in my experience so far, the minimum light on duration for a veg or a reveg has to be above 12, because we all had used 12 to successfully initiate flowering. All my clones go under 24hr light.

It could be 12 or 13 or even 14, but we dont know, anything above 12 will change the plant to veg. because we all veg at 18-6. So the difference is 6 hours, somewhere in between these 6 hours, there is the exact length to start veg and i believe every plant would have a little different.
But when it comes to flowering. as i have said before, i put a plant multiple times in dark for upto 3 days, and now it has been in 1212 for 9 weeks 2, but there is no veg on anymore,

So iam interested in increasing the night time. I have already ran 1212 for last 9 weeks, just yesterday i changed it to 10-14 because iam far behind in progress as compared to my first grow, where i used 10-14, So in this experience, even the 12hours light has significantly increased my flower cycle by a month. and i assume, more light will make it more worst, or longer flower cycle. on 12-12 for 70 days, 95% of my pistils/stigmas are white, the second set of pistils has started coming out. and i believe there will be a third set of growth, after that, all pistils will die slowly and after the the actual doubling of size will take place. So my this run might go above 15 weeks of flower.

Where as my other grow, which i just flipped a week ago to 12-12, i changed it 10-14 too. That would be a very nice comaprison after 60 days i will measure the development of that with the one which spent 9 weeks on 12-12, i'll compare and see, weather 12 12 yeilded more or 10-14 yielded more, or maybe the yeild will be same, but the total flower duration will be different, faster with 10-14