Custom Grow Tent??


Well-Known Member
i've been searching all over the net for a company that makes quality custom sized grow tents. i really REALLY need a tent that is 6'x3' but it seems there are none pre-made to that size.

if anyone knows of a reputable company that does custom sizes or even one that is selling the size i'm looking for, i'd greatly appreciate a link.

thanks in advance :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Ever consider building your own? Some PVC tubing, PVC connectors, a roll of panda film, some duct tape and a little ingenuity will get you what you need at a fraction of the cost.


Well-Known Member
+1, or make it from two X fours
That works too. The wood makes it a little easier to attach stuff to, and is a little cheaper. The PVC comes apart real quick and tears down into a compact pile of tubing you can store easily. Either way it wouldn't be too hard to come up with a nice tent if you are into brainstorming and making stuff..


Active Member
Ever consider building your own? Some PVC tubing, PVC connectors, a roll of panda film, some duct tape and a little ingenuity will get you what you need at a fraction of the cost.
What this guy said.
Not only that, but I'm sure you could build one cheaper than ordering a custom one.


Well-Known Member
If you build you own, you can get it the size you really want, you'll be happy, plants will be happy, you'll be even happier.


Well-Known Member
honestly the main reason i was considering tents is because i want to be able to take down my grow at a moment's notice. i suppose using pvc would allow me to do that...

the other reason was quality. i'm sure i could build something nice but am willing to splurge for quality. i will probably look into creating my own tent. thanks for the input everyone.


Well-Known Member
I just built one outta 2x4s and it only cost me 48$ for the wood and 13$ for the screws cuz i used 4inch wood screws, and built it 4x4x5high and its working out great for 10 plants ..... only took about 3hrs of labor too alone so its nothing worth not takin the time to do if you dont mind puttin in a little elbow grease never a need to purchase one cuz if you build your own you can have flaps and holes and zippers anyplace ud like which personally makes me happier haha.