Curved leaves...


New Member
I noticed my plant's leaves curving strangely... you guys can look the photos below to see what i'm talking about. I just want to know if it is normal, because the color of the leaves seems fine.

Grow medium : ProMix potting soil
Strain : AutoMazar from Dutch-Passion
Watering : I water her when the first inch of soil is dry, and I let about 20% runoff
Lights : 3x 2700k CFL and 5x 5100k CFL (might be more "k's", i'm not sure they are from walmart)



New Member
Alright, I just wanted to make sure everything was alright, it's my first grow! the leaves just started curving a few days ago

70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
You don't need to water until runoff when they are that small. I usually start with a pint every 2 days and give them more as they get bigger. When they get bigger and start drinking a lot you can give them some run off drenchings.


Well-Known Member
I do see a bit of a taco roll on them leaves. And if you say they just started curving a few days ago then something might of caused that to happen. If I have something to say about this, it can be caused by extremely low humidity levels or high temps. Are the temps and rH good? Then your all good. Make sure you have some air movement. You wanna see them look like a swimsuit model in a breezy photo shoot.


New Member
Thank you very much for answering guys!

yes it's the taco roll I was talking about, these last days have been really hot, that might be the cause, and humidity is between 30% - 40%. I went to check at lunch time today and leaves were a little better and more straight, they are even bigger than the photos now, damn these girls grow fast!

And I always have a fan gently blowing air to make stems stronger and all, so far so good