Curse Of The White Lighter

So how exactly did the cop hear your bro sketching about the bag?? Cuz he musta been pretty damn loud!
because around here there has to be 2 cop cars at each stop and we had moved here like 5 days before so we didnt even know where we were and this other cops just magically appears at my window and says hand it to me lol
I to used to think that the white lighter thing was bullshit. Until two cases changed my mind. One day me and a few of my friends were all vaping and taking bong rips in one of my buddies upstairs bedroom. We thought we were going to have the house to ourselves for the night. Anyway, his mom walks into the room while a rip is in progress and flips a stinky bitch and kicks everyone but her son out. She then proceeded to break the 200 dollar bong and threw away the vape. We were using a white lighter. The seond instance that confirmed my belief in the white lighter curse was when i tripped over my dogs food bowl and my favorite sherlock was sent sailing threw the air only hit the ground and explode into little pieces. Again, white lighter. Now, i am not a superstitious person but i cant help but freak out a bit when i see someone offer me a bong hit and gesture to me a white lighter. I'd rather not smoke than touch one
lol REALLY a PLASTIC lighter is cursed?? lmao dont be fools ive had loads of white lighters and nothing all of those things would of happened any way but beacuse some people are superstitious they blame it on the lighter and then tell other people who are superstitious and have had bad things happen to them while owning a white lighter and they blame it on the lighter aswell there is no stupid curse just stupid people lol.

all the people that beleave in this also belve in ghosts, god ect
Lighter thiefs,every stoner has a mate who collects clipper lighters,you have to watch those cunts when your having a bucket sesh.Straight in the pocket lol.
I might buy white clippers now then ,if they're cursed maybe my mates wont pinch them.You are now entering the twilight zone!
because around here there has to be 2 cop cars at each stop and we had moved here like 5 days before so we didnt even know where we were and this other cops just magically appears at my window and says hand it to me lol

i've never heard of two cops travelling in the same car either. ever seen super troopers :lol:


just got myself a nice imco :)
I've never had any negative experiences with a white lighter. One time some friends came over and I had a white lighter trying to light the bowl, and they tell me its bad luck. We actually switched lighters they wouldn't let me use the white one.
A buddy of mines got a white lighter and he fucked up his car enough that he can't drive it anymore. Also this Friday we went out and he got kicked out of pretty much every place we tried to get into for drinking too much.
all bic lighters are white under the color; it doesnt matter as all lighters are white and color doesnt even exist.

as i said on page 1
who cares if color doesnt actually exist. that doesnt solve anything. we all learned this in high school stop bringing it up.
..... the name of the topic isnt "do you think since color is only light reflection it makes a lighter not really green"
i have been arrested with different colored lighters, but strangely, i have never had any real trouble with a white lighter