curring and selling plant smelling bud


Well-Known Member
My bud turns out great, it'll get you really high. The only thing with every grow I've had is that the bud still smells like plant a little bit. I've flushed and curred forever. I typically let the bud dry for 2-3 weeks then put in jars for a month. My friend let me smell some of the really good stuff he sells and it smelled as if it was sprayed with something...theres no way someone could grow bud that smelly! Anyone know of sprays I could use? Also, my bud gets you even higher than his stuff, but , along with all my other grows, my shit is a little to a lot harsh! Are there sprays to make it less harsh? I know that sounds weird but im just checking.

I am getting better (through curring) at getting rid of the plant smell, but when you actually break the bud up, roll it around in your hand and break the crystalls , it smells from across the room...this led me to believe that bud doesnt smell until its been handled a bit.?!? any thoughts?

basically the high is great but the smell and smoothness ccan be better!...HELP, lol!


Well-Known Member
ouch,ill smoke some great bud in ur honor,im bout to go pack a bowl.sounds like u got some type of parafilm wax,dont know just a guess,could be the strain?my shit is the best bud ive ever had and its freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee heeheeeee


Well-Known Member
The only thing I can think of is that you did not dry you buds slow enough in the beginning. Make sure you bud is not too dry either.


Well-Known Member
parafilm wax? well me and my roomate do notice that we get black stuff in our lips when the bud is not curred all the this the parafilm wax nad how do you get that shit out of the bud? Also, NewGrowth... how can I go about drying slower....should I remove the fan and let them dry naturally for about a week longer or something?


Well-Known Member
yes get a small breeze,i put mine in a shoe box and cut a square inch outof the top and bottom and put it under my computer desk and it creates a draft flowin on the ground,it enters the square on the bottom and exits the top,there inside the box,a cool soft breeze flows through and slowly dries int the week and then cure in a jar for a month,and whala,potent shit


Well-Known Member
I dry my buds in drawers no fan over about a week and I open the drawers and turn them daily. For curing I put the bud I'm smoking into my humidor for the stuff I am storing I keep it in mason jars. This slow drying takes a while but makes my bud so smooth to smoke and if I'm running low I just stick some bud out to fan dry for some emergency smoke to pack my water bong no blunts or joints for quick dried bud to harsh for me.


Well-Known Member
hmmm...see what Im doing is already so close to what your doing...Maybe its was the strain, Azura Indica --- nearly 100% indica? Im not sure... Do people even use sprays? do they exist for smell?


Well-Known Member
hmmm...see what Im doing is already so close to what your doing...Maybe its was the strain, Azura Indica --- nearly 100% indica? Im not sure... Do people even use sprays? do they exist for smell?
Dunno bro some indica is a little spicy but I would not call it harsh. Is your drying area dark? I don't know about sprays u can try an orange peel its what I use to re-hydrate buds that get too dry it gives them a slight citrus scent.


Well-Known Member
the orange is a good idea. partially because a problem I had as well is that the buds seem a bit too dry.... This is my first time using mason jars for a month after about 2 weeks of drying and it really helped. Some buds I buy seem so damn wet! how do they smoke so well? my bud is much dryer and a bit harsher


Well-Known Member
the orange is a good idea. partially because a problem I had as well is that the buds seem a bit too dry.... This is my first time using mason jars for a month after about 2 weeks of drying and it really helped. Some buds I buy seem so damn wet! how do they smoke so well? my bud is much dryer and a bit harsher
Thats your answer then when the buds get too dry they tend to smoke a little harsh. Orange peel will fix it right up!:peace:


Well-Known Member
I heard you can take a fresh leaf off your plant, and place it in the jar where your, it should 're-hydrate' your bud.