Currently have two plants 1 flowering 1 seedling.....


Well-Known Member
As i mentioned i have two plants one fast auto amnesia grew in harsh conditions but finally on its flowering stage the conditions are became perfect.

I could not wait after the conditions got better I put my seed in the pot now it is popped.

i keep giving 12/12 lights till the amnesia finishes and the other one is sativa dom hybrid

and what are your opinions about it ?

when i had harsh conditions like shitty lights, one support guy from Greenhouse Seed Company told me that I can give 12/12 from seedling through harvest I did not want to do this but now it is a must at least the time amnesia finishes...


Well-Known Member
Lol I love it.

As far as 12/12 from seed... I'm currently trying it out. I have 1 plant that just entered 3rd week of flower. I've read about the 12/12 from seed and it's mixed opinions. Common ground says expect lower yield and more stretch. Since I only grow for personal use I don't really care about that. If I can keep 1 in flower and 1 in seedling/veg under the same lighting conditions I SHOULD always have something ready to go. I'm still super new to growing but it's going ok and quite a fun little hobby.