

Active Member
When you put the buds into jar i have read that you have to open once and a while to let the moisture out. I'v had mine in a jar far about 2 days and there is no moisture build up. Since there is no moisture does that mean I left it hanging for to long. Is the curning process still taking place even no the buds are to dry?


Well-Known Member
The only reason to burp your jars is to let moisture out, so mold does'nt build up. If your buds are completly tried you must still cure to turn all the chryollafil into starches wchich will bring a less harsh smoke. Feel your buds, if they are crispy peel an apple they but into the jar over night, and chech the next day. Some growers put fresh green fan leaves into jars of over dried bud and bring them right back to normal freshness. I like friut like apples, or carrots. Just small chunks do wonders.