Curlys new 1 plant 600w led scrog grow

Bad Karma

Well-Known Member
A lab is not necessary to make DMT, you just need to find a pet store that carries Colorado River Toads (aka Sonoran Desert Toad or Cranopsis alvaria).

"The toxic ingredient in toad venom is called bufotenine, which is burned off while smoking. After the toxic stuff is gone, what's left is the hallucinogen 5-MeO-DMT. THIS is what sends you to never-never land. In order to get a smokeable sample, put the toad on a piece of glass (a pyrex baking dish works well) and rub the parotid glands behind it's eyes. This will irritate the toad, and it will secrete a milky fluid. Once there is a goodly amount of it, let it evaporate to a crystal and then scrape it with a razor blade and place it in a glass pipe for smoking."



Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the. Info on DMT boys definitely gonna give that stuff a try sounds.... Well it sounds epic :).


Well-Known Member
Time for another update and now the fun has begun! I made the switch to flower yesterday so today is day 2 of flower and she is already showing signs of making the switch. She's still on veg nutes but they are about to run out and I will be replacing them with flower nutes as well as green planets additive called massive. Her leaves have started to perk up and lots of pistols are showing, this strain is said to flower in 45-55 days so things will start moving fast from here :D. Cheers all happy growing. IMG-20120903-00306.jpgIMG-20120903-00305.jpgIMG-20120903-00303.jpgIMG-20120903-00302.jpgIMG-20120903-00301.jpg



Well-Known Member
the growth so far truely has been insane my man and a good thanks to you again for showing me the way of 100% perlite , im fairly sure that is the cause of the amazing growth rate seems the roots just shoot right through that shit like crazy and fucking fast too! ive been away from my baby for a few days as i was helping my friend with his bunch of girls ...... man i wish i could have taken some pics these guys are doing it right true garden of eden style :D gonna check over my girl and snap some pics should be up soon.


Well-Known Member
Update time here and everything is running smoothly the plant looks great lots of tightening up going on and she looks healthy as can be :). Temps are good as summer is coming to an end RH is good too ppm's are at about 900 and I think ill give even more next feed cause this bitch is hungray. Threw in a shot of the early wonder skunk I have flowering in the back of the blueberry tent also some shots of the seeding early wonders in my veg tent, maybe another week or so and I will take em down and de seed them. Besides that all is well just inoculated. Another spawn bag for some more mushies can't wait to get em going :D. Cheers all stay lifted and happy growing



Well-Known Member
Jungle madness my friend, be careful, you might get lost in there. Looking fantastic. Keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
really is getting jungle like in there .... getting hard for me to believe its just one plant! loving ths scrog method its a dream come true for indoor growers with limited space i dont think ill be switchng back any time soon :D


Well-Known Member
Man, that plant truly satisfies the definition of the word bush. Flowering looks like its going to be A LOT of fun to watch. I CAN'T WAIT :D


Well-Known Member
Things are moving along well here almost all vertical growth has stopped....thank Fuck cause im really running out of room. Seems my stocks in the middle really decide to shoot up like crazy and I didn't have the heart to cut em this late in the's okay though cause there gonna be some huge colas if all goes well :D. Ppm's are up high now around the 11 or 1200 mark and she shows no signs of slowing down. Overall my canopy doesn't look entirely even anymore but that's my own fault for not cutting more but this is a learning experience after all so no biggy its still a huge bush and I still expect a very nice yield. About another 40 days or so and ill be reaping the rewards of the bueaty I cannot fucking wait!!!! Threw in some more shots of my later in flower early wonder skunk plant as well as the ones seeding out in my veg tent and they are done! Took a good portion of one of them down and got a couple hundred seeds out of it still lots more to come!



Well-Known Member
shes bushy alright ..... and i love it! shes gonna produce some nie buds coming up soon and i cant wait to smoke a nice blueberry fatty when its all done up :D


Active Member
Great looking grow! I just switched to SCROG and use LED, HPS and CFL depending on the stage of flowering. I just harvested an HPS and a LED Jillybean and the harvest was pretty close. The girl I put under the HPS was a bit bigger if not for that I think the yeild would be almost identical.

With the intensity of LEDs I was having some "burning" issues so I baced down to 10 hours light 14 hours dark and it worked wonders!

Keep it up, look forward to following you on this


Well-Known Member
Great looking grow! I just switched to SCROG and use LED, HPS and CFL depending on the stage of flowering. I just harvested an HPS and a LED Jillybean and the harvest was pretty close. The girl I put under the HPS was a bit bigger if not for that I think the yeild would be almost identical.

With the intensity of LEDs I was having some "burning" issues so I baced down to 10 hours light 14 hours dark and it worked wonders!

Keep it up, look forward to following you on this
thanks for stopping in man always glad to have new comers , things are about to get interesting and not in a good way either ......i will fill ya in momentarily


Well-Known Member
well i have run into some bgg prolems and i am unsure the future of this grow :( ..... im scared to even think that after all this work i put in :( . i was lying in bed this morning when i got a call from my landlord saying that he has coit cleaning company coming in twice this week to clean all the vent ducts in the house!!!! fuck my life running!!!! so after spending all day cleaning and seeing if there was a closet i could move my beauty too but i have nothing big enough to hold her. so i am in the process of seeing if i can find a place to move my girl for a week ...... NOT SOMETHING I WANT TO DO AT ALLLL FMLLLL , everything about it makes my stoner sences tingle in the worst way but its either that or i cut her down and start over. luckily i have alot of friends all down for the cause but moving such a beast and descreetly at that is going to be a hard fucking task to say the very least. so im off to make arrangements to move this thing or if i cant then down she comes...... i think i have a spot but im just working out the finer details , wish me luck everyone cause sure as fuck im gonna need it. cheers all stay safe and happy growing :)


Well-Known Member
Shit curly, i had that once, the landlord sent a house surveyor and i knew for a fact they would look in my cupboard and so operation dismantled and broke my heart, but - better safe than sorry curly.


Well-Known Member
Good luck man!! i just hide my tent in the corner of the room and put matresses and big bed boxes around it :) they never ask.... turn the fans off when they rock up, smell wont get bad for a little bit, and you could mask with insense, and mowing the lawns and stuff :) always a way. It sucks, but life is throwing a test! i just had one, and my harvest date is getting very close so should be sweet, touch wood.