Curlys new 1 plant 600w led scrog grow


Well-Known Member
haha whats up puff i can actually upload pics now but its quite the process ...... never the less i just put my screen in today so i will snap some pics and hopefully have em up in a bit here.


Well-Known Member
Very nice looking grow there red. , he is mine just dropped the screen in today and it looks good so far. I'm going to do afeed increase and see how see takes to it last time i grew the blueberry it was a bit finicky but this is a big girl that needs lots of food I imagine. Here she is :D



Well-Known Member
Someone shots from today. This strain shows so much vigor I love it after scrogging and training yesterday she looks great all tops are facing back up towards the light. She responded well to higher ppms too also I did some lower cleanup of a few small shoots and some leaves that weren't getting any light. Besides that all is well and I'm still in love with scrogging this shit is great.



Well-Known Member
wheeeew boy!! she's getting damn big :p Gotta nice system happening curly ;) everything is running smoothly and looking phenomenally healthy! she's a very bushy strain like mine, my last was a more stretchy strain during veg and i think that helps with scrog, it just means us boys growing plants that grow more bushy have to clean up a bit more..... i'm shocked at how much little stuff i've removed from my monster just to give the big stuff room.

lookin shweeeeeeeet :weed:


Hey Curly, nice grow mate. I also have a Scrog and one of my lights is a Vipar A200.
Here you can see how they looked when I flipped to 12/12 and how they look now at about 4 weeks from harvest.
This may help you judge the stretch.



Well-Known Member
Hey Curly, nice grow mate. I also have a Scrog and one of my lights is a Vipar A200.
Here you can see how they looked when I flipped to 12/12 and how they look now at about 4 weeks from harvest.
This may help you judge the stretch.
ummmm....... 1 post to your name and you jump into someone's thread and post your pics? there should be some basic internet function that stops this from happening. Nice scrog but how about making your own thread and sending some invitations perhaps.... respect does apply to a certain extent


Well-Known Member
hahahhaah its all good flowa , i get where your coming fro for sure though \:D. i dont mind anybody stopping in and posting some pics or info as long as there not show boating or bashing anyone :D.

@whipfiend , nice scrog man you should post a journal up for sure! but feel free to post in here as well man .... actually kinda glad ya did what strain ya growin there? and how far ya have the A200 from your canopy now late into flower? how many ppms ya feeding those beasts?


Well-Known Member
good to see a positive reaction from the nutrients. Looking mighty beautiful man, keep up the good work!


hahahhaah its all good flowa , i get where your coming fro for sure though \:D. i dont mind anybody stopping in and posting some pics or info as long as there not show boating or bashing anyone :D.

@whipfiend , nice scrog man you should post a journal up for sure! but feel free to post in here as well man .... actually kinda glad ya did what strain ya growin there? and how far ya have the A200 from your canopy now late into flower? how many ppms ya feeding those beasts?
Sorry if my post seems rude, it sure wasn't the intention. I dont have time for a journal, but am happy to pass on anything I have learned on this Scrog, my first also.
I am growing 2 exodus cheese and have had the A200 between 10" and 12" from the light, it may be better higher than that but I am restricted, still results are good so far.
With the 2 A300s in that space I think you are going to see a lot large buds mate, just make sure to give them enough space :-)
I have also noticed that when possible tying the branches too the screen so they will grow flat underneath it gives nice results.
I use EC instead of ppm, but I started at an EC of 1,0 and gradually worked up to an peek EC of 2,0 by week 5 of flower and now i am bringing it down again to about 1,4 until flush.


Well-Known Member
What up everyone time for another update, everything seems to be running along very smoothly the plant hasn't shown much sign of any def's at all all she has been doing is fucking growing! Basically I've cut most of what I want off the plant the rest I'm gonna leave and veg for a bit longer so it all can get nice and big! I want a good yield of this run so I don't mind begging a bit longer..... Only at day 28 now and growth has been explosive hope things go the same way in the coming weeks.... Then another 45-55 days and ill be all done up. Threw in some shots of my veg tent which is now housing my flowering EWS auto's and I also have one EWS female still in the tent with my huge blueberry girl... Got nowhere else to put it haha. Here's the shots, cheers all and happy growing. Also there's an example of how much I hate killing weed...Just a water bottle full of cuts waiting for a home....gave like 10 to my buddy yesterday.



Looking good Ill be sure to keep up with this. Pretty well sold me on the vipers. Awesome stuff!


Well-Known Member
thanks sobs these panels have sold me too and im by far happiest with my latest leds than any other i have had before.


Well-Known Member
had a trippy experience earlier ..... i was getting some clones ready to give to a buddy when my roommate comes through the door saying theres cops out side with dogs! i fucking go into freak mode and oight like 20 incense sticks and start hiding shit best i can just trippin my balls off , then my buddy shows up and we are all outside about 30feet from the pigs and the pigdog just chillin when they stop right beside my house .....and at this point im fucking loosing it pretty hard but next thing ya know the dog goes towards a tree in a park directl next to my house and starts barking ..... to our dismay a lady starts talking and is perched up in the tree ...... TRAINNING EXERCISE!!!! .... more like a training exercise on how far my heart can be pushed before it gives out for good fucking hell! haha but all is well and i guess now i should be more confident they/ nobody knows what i have going on :D


Well-Known Member
uuuuggggghhhh not nice to have around are they! thank fuk we don't have heart issues cause that would be bad for sure!!!


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
sup flowa ,,,,, well what you have there is a rebreanded or un-branded blackstar panel ...... i would stay away from this light for a few reasons .... first off the part about "500w" .... not true at all .... probly runs about 300w give or take with fans going and all , i hate companies / people that lie about there wattage , they have this idea that if there is 500w worth of leds in the panel its a "500w" panel but the truth is leds dont run at full capacity they run at about half ...sometimes more sometimes less so they are really screwing ya hard there. next is the warranty on the unit .... 1 year ... says alot , it says the company doesnt back there prooduct to well and probly for good reason .... there gonna break down sooner than later , overall i would stay away from ebay unless its a direct company selling overstock or something like that these resellers dont give a shit about the industry or anyone in it they just want some quick cash. cheers man hope this helps ya a bit :D


Well-Known Member
Was in my tent and decided to snap some pics.... As I look at her more and more I am truly amazed at howfast the has grown.... It almost unnatural :D I love it. Also the more I look at her the more I think another 20 days of veg might be too much so I think ill let her go another 10 and problems flip after that.... Flowa maybe you can chime in :D will she totally stop growing out right when I flip her or will it take a week or two for everything to shoot up?

Oh and I wanted to mention how impressed I was with the node spacing on all my tops! Tells me I'm gonna have somenice big buds!!!can't fucking wait.

