hahahhaah its all good flowa , i get where your coming fro for sure though \

. i dont mind anybody stopping in and posting some pics or info as long as there not show boating or bashing anyone

@whipfiend , nice scrog man you should post a journal up for sure! but feel free to post in here as well man .... actually kinda glad ya did what strain ya growin there? and how far ya have the A200 from your canopy now late into flower? how many ppms ya feeding those beasts?
Sorry if my post seems rude, it sure wasn't the intention. I dont have time for a journal, but am happy to pass on anything I have learned on this Scrog, my first also.
I am growing 2 exodus cheese and have had the A200 between 10" and 12" from the light, it may be better higher than that but I am restricted, still results are good so far.
With the 2 A300s in that space I think you are going to see a lot large buds mate, just make sure to give them enough space

I have also noticed that when possible tying the branches too the screen so they will grow flat underneath it gives nice results.
I use EC instead of ppm, but I started at an EC of 1,0 and gradually worked up to an peek EC of 2,0 by week 5 of flower and now i am bringing it down again to about 1,4 until flush.