Curly, yellowish/brownish leaves


New Member
Hi, i have started my first grow recently and was just wondering what could be the problem? Someone said too much water but i fixed the water schedule and its still happening. I hope you can see well enough to tell in the pictures. Thanks.



Well-Known Member
For starters, here's a deficiency guide:

View attachment 2614626

Next, check your PH, make sure you're coming in around 6.5. Nute lock-out will cause deficiencies, even when you are properly watering. Nute burn is also a possibility. Look through the chart, work your symptoms against the chart. Remember, also, that once a leaf is fried, it's fried. Those brown leaves won't come back. Watch your new growth for signs that the issue has corrected, and for simplicity's sake, minimize your changes, so that you can isolate the problem and correct it, without creating new ones.


Well-Known Member
but you dont have the experience to help yoself

is the stems striped purple is the main stem don\wn the leaves purple

are leaves dark turn a wierd lime green then yellow up

if so you got a magnesium deff

get sum cal mag
pics so poor cant see enough to help will be peeps
willing and able to help you bull shitters too but will neeed good pics to help

good luck son

peep dis out

It is either a PH problem or a nutrient problem. What strength are you feeding at and are you using reverse osmosis water? Are you using cal-mag at every watering and at what strength?


Well-Known Member
For starters, here's a deficiency guide:

View attachment 2614626

Next, check your PH, make sure you're coming in around 6.5. Nute lock-out will cause deficiencies, even when you are properly watering. Nute burn is also a possibility. Look through the chart, work your symptoms against the chart. Remember, also, that once a leaf is fried, it's fried. Those brown leaves won't come back. Watch your new growth for signs that the issue has corrected, and for simplicity's sake, minimize your changes, so that you can isolate the problem and correct it, without creating new ones.
Decent advice that ^^


New Member
Well there isn't any purple on the entire plant at all, so mag isn't the problem. And im also not using reverse osmosis water. The only thing that's wrong is the yellowish brownish tips of some leaves. The nutrients I'm using are roots organically Buddha grow, roots organically extreme serene, roots organically trinity, general hydroponics floramicro, general hydroponics maxigro, and organic are nitrex. I don't use them all at once. My brother in law showed me a little schedule on when to use what and how much. But he doesn't seem to know what's wrong so I came for help from you guys. Haha


Well-Known Member
Get yourself a cheap PPM meter ( I payed like $7 on ebay) Really the only way to see if your nute mix is too strong. Also, make sure you know whats already in your soil. If your soil already has NPK, and you are adding more, its probably too much.

If you cant figure it out, do a nice root flush and transplant. Then start things back slowly. As someone already mentioned, those damaged leaves are not going to get better if you fix the problem. Key is to make sure any new growth is not being damaged.