Curling tips?


Well-Known Member
For those of you that didn't read my "Dying Plant" thread, I'll try to sum up the past few days.

I slowly started my plant into an 18/6 light cycle, since I wasn't doing that before.

One morning I had to go to work unexpectedly, and no one was going to be here to turn the light on, so I turned it on before I left, which was a few hours too early. Also, I recently watered. So I come home later that day, the bottom most leaves are dying, the others are droopy, and the soil is ALREADY dry... VERY dry.

I found out the bottom leave fall off anyways, and since my plant is one month old, that's normal. I was told to transplant. Well, today when I came home, my plant was perky again. The leaves we back up, and all seemed well, however this morning I water them A LOT. Yet, 12 hours later, you couldn't find dryer soil in Arizona. I finally transplanted, and the root structure was amazing. There seemed to be miles of roots wrapped around and around. But one thing I noticed prior to transplanted was that one of the good leaves were curled and seemingly dried at the tip. As you can see in the picture. (The leaf is not yellow, the camera just made it appear that way. They're a nice green shade.)

Why is the tip curling? Could it have been that it really did just need to be transplanted?
Sounds like you need to bottom water ocassionally. Put them in a tray a couple inches deep and fill with water. Keep filling till they wont take up any more water. Then water from the top. You wont have to water as much and the plants love it!
....yep, what BK said! And trans asap.
So you say they're a month old? Are they on a 12/12 cycle(I didn't read your other thread)? Because it's really only "normal" to lose the lower leafs late in flowering, like about 4+wks, after they've used up a lot of the available N in your medium--it's when they start using the N in the plant itself that they start yellowing, as well as other things. So, if your not yet in 12/12, your lacking N and probably micro's too(cal-mag?).
There are all kinds of charts, info, pics in the sick plant section as well as the FAQ.
Great luck!

....yep, what BK said! And trans asap.
So you say they're a month old? Are they on a 12/12 cycle(I didn't read your other thread)? Because it's really only "normal" to lose the lower leafs late in flowering, like about 4+wks, after they've used up a lot of the available N in your medium--it's when they start using the N in the plant itself that they start yellowing, as well as other things. So, if your not yet in 12/12, your lacking N and probably micro's too(cal-mag?).
There are all kinds of charts, info, pics in the sick plant section as well as the FAQ.
Great luck!


No, I'm not into flowering yet. I transplanted. I'll bottom water when I get home. Since I transplanted, things seem to have gotten better much faster. That little dried tip hasn't went away, but the rest of the leaf looks nice again. I guess it's fine now, right?
Dude lets see a pic i think i might know what it was or what it is....mine do the same thing and it seems like its in relation to heat and humidity...when it gets later on in the day and im about to turn the lights out my leaves begin to droop a little its like a condensation prevention, but i dont know yours could be completely different.
Dude lets see a pic i think i might know what it was or what it is....mine do the same thing and it seems like its in relation to heat and humidity...when it gets later on in the day and im about to turn the lights out my leaves begin to droop a little its like a condensation prevention, but i dont know yours could be completely different.

Alright. As soon as I get home I'll send you a pic. I thought I posted one. Guess I forgot. Oh well, it wasn't a good pic anyways. But yeah, stay posted and I'll have a pic up as soon as I get home.