curling of leaves????? HELP!


Active Member

Sorry the images are hugeeee.
I have 3 4x7 buckets with drainholes. They are currently on 12/12 hr light cycle. I water at night when needed. I had a fan on them but I was told the fan was making them curl up. So I turned off the fan. But they are still the same. I have a 150watt hps light. I know this is mostly for the flowering stages and also could just be too much for the babies..but this light can also be used for all stages. I had this problem before and all I needed was a humidifier, but I'm trying to find out if its more than that. Any help would be appreciated. This is not my first grow, but I've always had to kill my plants before they are in flowering stages. My phone will not let me post any pictures. But I really need some help. Mainly only the fan leaves are curling. Day 7.


Well-Known Member
It's not your fan, it's either a heat issue or overfeeding... If there is any possible way of gettin pics up then that would help alot


Active Member
I would say its overwatering....but I only water when they need it. And if someone know how to post pics from a mytouch u should lemme know ha.


Active Member
I have to say it's the heat thats making it curl up. Try getting a fan the plants all day and night so they can cool off. If in 2 weeks they go go back to normal it's a watering issue.


probally heat your light bulb is probally no bueno.
Also why do you have light cycle at 12/12 that's only for flowering?


Active Member
Light cycle all depends how big you want your plant to be. People do 12/12 right from seed all the time. 16 plus hours of light to stay in veg cycle ( as some strains will go into flower at 14 hours). Keep in mind that plants can also double or triple in size from when you start flowering till harvest.