Also don't be scared, and you are going to screw up, and recover through this process. It's a journey, everyday something new is learned in farming. It evolves constantly. First things first you need some tools. The tools provide the knowledge that helps you make good, practical decisions for your paticular grow, IE, space, financial, etc. from there you are set to go in the direction of YOUR choosing. "should I grow in a box, closet, open floorspace,outside, in the extra shower whatever". So you say what are these tools? Well one of them is sitting right there in front of you. The forum. Another, you need a good book that will walk you through every aspect of a grow, from how to build your grow, how to diagnose your plants issues, how to scuff and make hash, honey oil, how to breed plants to achieve certain results. And yes there is several books out like that, let me recomend a very good one. Try, "Greg Green's", "The cannabis Grow Bible". This is a constant companion for me all 535 pages read like a novel. Get this online or your bookstore. Just a great book. Drop me a few lines from time to time. Let me know what you think about the book. And good luck. peace.
< This avatar is bag seed, as is everything in my photo album. Nothing wrong with running bag seed thats where the good breeding stock came from. Just keep cracking those seeds, one day you will find a perfect example and have something good, Often bag seed is simply, good strains grown poorly.