Curling leaves


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, I'm new to indoor growing and I am having a little trouble. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

My problem is I have leaves curling up and twisting and creasing on some of my plants. I cant figure it out. I have let them dry out, I have watered them completely, I have adjusted the temp and decreased and increased nutes all to no avail. The leaves are curling down and developing brown spots.

My set up: I have converted a 30" X 30" X 15" dresser into a stealth grow box. I am using 6 100W equivalent daylight CFLs and one 150 w equivalent undercab floro shop light. Two computer fans keep the temp around 78 degrees I'm using Miracle Grow potting soil mixed with perlite. I'm in veg right now with 18/6. I'm going on about 3 weeks into the grow. I sprouted 9 plants, 6 are ok but the other three are looking rough. The 6 healthy ones are starting to curl though. I transplanted about 5 days ago.

I need help, whats happening to my girls????? Pics follow.



Active Member
i had the exact problem u are having a while back ,, i was using merical grow mositure control soil & mixed it with perilite ,, is that all perilite on top ya soil ,...?? u should mix that in good with the soil 1st before inserting the plant ,, anyways mine were curling also ,, couldnt figure out why ,, .. i was not feeding any nutes , & watering about every 4 days ,, i also had 3 26 watt 6500K cfl's per plant , about 1/2 inch away ,, 1 day after watering i was sittin there high & admiring my babies when i notices some very little almost clear bugs crawling around the soil & stem ,, so i investigated a lil bit & found them were aphids ,, clear tiny rain drop bugs that feed on ya roots & make her quiver up ,,, i used a solition of .... 2 cloves garlic chopped ,, about 1/4 of a whole white onion chopped .. 1 shot glass full of cyanne pepper powder ,..teaspoon of antibacterial dish soap... 1/4 teaspoon bleech .. 2 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide .. put all that into a pot & fill with water , bring to a boil then pour all that mix into a 2 liter soda bottle & top off with plain water ,, that killed my bug problem ,, i then placed a small fan on them & collected rain water & gave them that for 2 weeks with no nutes & they were ok ,,, the moral of this story is dont buy merical grow potting mixes,, most the time they are already infested with insects ... now some ppl are not close to any good garden centers ,, so if u must buy merical grow soil u should sterilize it 1st ,,, ((((do NOT do this in your oven ))))),, it reeeks ... fire up some charcoal & put teh soil on a big pot let cook for a few hours ,, mixing frequently & taking temps regularly also get it to around 200 degreez F.... also rty to adjust them cfl's as close as possible to ur plants... id use some CD cases under the pots so u dont have to keep moving the lights ,, if leaves are touching bulb ,, just remove 1 or 2 CD cases ,,, keep them within 1 inch no further .. .. my theory ,, keep a lil fan on them while lights are on ,, & if you can fit your finger between the tops & the bulb ,, they are too far away ,, insert another cd case ,, just be sure not to touch the bulb ,, they will burn


Well-Known Member
Thanks blaze, I will give your ideas a try. I like the CD case idea. My lights are rigged so that they can be easily adjusted, but the cd case idea will make it easier to fine tune. Also, yeah that is perlite on top, I read here that it helps reflect more light, maybe I should get rid of it? Thanks for your help.


Active Member
oo ok so its there to reflect light ,, i do that i guess too ,, ,, not with perilite tho ,, see when my fan is blowing on my babies ,, the soil get blown all over ,, so i took white printer paper & cut out a circle that fits perfect into my pot ... make a hole where the stem will come thru & cut a slice from the edge of paper to the stem hole ,, it reflects light & stops dirt from blowing all over ...


Well-Known Member
looks like overwatering and i can see nute burn on one of the leaves!if you have been giving um nutes stop for abit!


Active Member
I had the same thing happen to my plants everything was looking good until they were about 18" tall then they started having the look you described curliing,spots, death. I'm thinking its the MG potting mix i have give this brand several chances same results each time. what else is there out there?


Well-Known Member
I had the same problem after about 6 weeks. I was feeding but not enough. It was too diluted. So I went to the recommended dosage and they started coming around. I think it was lack of nitrogen. Hope you figure it out. I'd would mix your soil up though...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm thinking it is overwatering/ nute burn. I cant see any bugs anywhere. How long should I go before I water them again? I was also running a pretty hot temp for a while there, I've got it down to the mid 70's now but for a while it was around 85-90 degrees.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so this is getting pretty bad. Now all of the plants are drooping and curling. The bottom leaves on all the plants are turning yellow and dying. I have not watered for over a week and the soil is almost bone dry. I have not been giving nutes. Temps have been ok. Just below 80, could be lower but not hot enough to damage. I still don't know my PH, or PPM. Could this be a humidity problem. My humidity is pretty low I think. I need help bad now, I think my girls are gonna die.


Well-Known Member
Dude, I'm not exactly sure. I don't think its humidity though. The heat may have caused some of the curling. When lower leaves turn yellow I think that mean that the plant is starving for nutes so it feeds off the lower leaves first. If the whole plant is yellow maybe over watering. I feed when I water which is about every four days. And I water until water comes out the bottom of the plant buckets.I'm no expert though, this is my first grow as well. Hope you figure this out...let me know


Well-Known Member
Definitely overwatering. Other than that, calm down on the nutes for a bit and keep your temp around 75. hope this helps!



Well-Known Member

Well my grow is a month old now and Im going to start flowering in a few days. 8 of my nine plants survived and recovered from their droop. They were totally root bound and UNDERWATERED!!! I re-potted them and gave them some nutes and water and they went wild! I did some LST so they are ony about 6" tall now but with tons of bushy branches. I've decided to do SOG and have started 7 more plants today. I will post pics soon! Thanks for all your help guys


Well-Known Member
dude, hopefully you've figured all this out by now but for future notice, don't tweak your plants so much. It takes time/days for the plants to react to the changes you've made and when you're making 2-3 changes at a time you're either going to create problems and/or fix problems but not know what's helping and hurting and it'll stress ur buddies out too. From the pictures it looked like nute burn and overwatering.

Only make one change every few days until you know what's going on.


Well-Known Member
im not sure what you are talking about man. My plants are doing great:weed:. I did only one transplant on them. I did a little LST and they grew way bushier. Now they are ready to be flowered.


Active Member
soggy growing medium,also put some coal in the bottom of your pots,soaks ou excess salts and keeps the soil nice and sweet!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help everyone. My girls are doing GREAT now. Been flowering for about a week. Will have pics soon. Peace.