Curling leaves on young plant?


Active Member

This is my first grow. I'm at the early stage but I think I need help.

At the moment using 125W fluorescent white eco grow light. Temp is good, got ventilation going, and I water when dry. Some of my planets are ok but my largest one (20 days from seed) look a bit odd. As you can see from the pic it's new leaves are very weak looking and curl down. New growth is still coming.

My soil is slightly acid and my water is alkaline.

Any ideas?

I'll also post a pic of a younger plant that looks healthy enough (13 days from seed)



Well-Known Member
I did with a cheap tester, it came out about 7.5 - 8.0
Okay, you need to be lowering the pH of your water before you give it to your plants. For soil grows a Ph of 6.3-6.8 is fine. Pick a number in that range and then stick to it and you'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
Plants are looking a little stretched out as well. Move the light closer, but check and make sure it's not too hot. Good luck!


Active Member
Thx for the help

- My soil is a mix of peat, sand, perlite
- I have a computer fan i hooked up

I'm messing with the Ph of my water at the moment, I used a bit of lemon juice and dropped my water to 5.5. Looks like it will take some experimenting to get it right.


Well-Known Member
Thx for the help

- My soil is a mix of peat, sand, perlite
- I have a computer fan i hooked up

I'm messing with the Ph of my water at the moment, I used a bit of lemon juice and dropped my water to 5.5. Looks like it will take some experimenting to get it right.
5.5 is a bit low for for hydro and too low for soil, you will run in a nutes look up with that! 6.0 to 6.5 is the magic range you want to be in;)