Curling? Any advice


Well-Known Member
I don't know why my og kush is curling I barley feed any nutrients what so ever I gave them their last feeding cal mag and silca blast



Well-Known Member
Try some real food, they look hungry. ( If in soil, forget the Calmag. If your plants are not stressed (high temp/ harsh climate) forget the silica also) Give them something with some N in it (not a lot) all will be good.

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
My thermostat is sitting on my T5 I'm scared to give them N because I don't want them to claw
the dreaded claw,, I dont blame you, what we really need to see is a picture of the whole plant or a larger portion,, not just a single leaf, plus what soil are you in, and what are you feeding it?


Well-Known Member
I'm just feeding them cal mag voodoo and silica and once a week I'll give them grow micro bloom only 20 mls per 5 gallon


Well-Known Member
Also giving them terpinator and liquid bat guano my soil is sunshine mix#4 I'll update more pics soon
need better pics, i'd be worried about broad mites.
if the new growth is a tan color at all, you got problems.
I've seen some plants that have that wrinkled leaf thing genetically with no problem with the plant.
Hard to say from only one picture though.


Well-Known Member
looks like to high temp with low humidity 81 isn't to bad but if u are at 25 per relative humidity not good for veg normally curling of the leaves is when your plant transpire moisture out because of the roots not mature enough if I remember right dr,who has I really good link to this let me see if I can find it and ill link it if I can


Well-Known Member
Here are some more pictures
fuckin check for broad mites man.
get me some better pics of the new smaller growth.
It'll look just like that before it gets bad...
I could be wrong, it's hard to tell from the pics.. but t be certain.
Is the growing tips a light yellowish tan color?