curling and spots

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
My plants are only ten days old but the leaves have begun to curl up and small rust colored spots have appeared. I am growing in coco with a 400watt MH that is 18 inches away from the plant tops. I just started with nutes, so I imagine it has something to do with that but I don't know what. I only gave them .5mL/L which is 1/4 the smallest recommended dose. I have flushed all plants but would still like to know if this is a deficiency or nute burn because I looked at a ton of sick plant guides and found a lot of similar pictures but nothing exactly the same.


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I don't get it. I see people with the most retarded questions get them answered on here, but no responses my legitimate problem? Has anyone every seen this before and how can I fix it? Mad rep points await ye who doth answer my question.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Not exactly sure what you mean by draining properly. There's holes in the bottom of the pot and there's no standing water in the bottom. It's been a good 7 hours since I flushed them and they still look worse.


Well-Known Member
ok good... Since you already flushed them out, just wait a day and see what they do. If that was the problem, they should start to look better and you just have to lighten up on the nutes. If not, you might try checking for other potential problems like bugs or water ph.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
It will go down as the funniest show in history. Even my mom thinks it's funny and she's a 60 year old white lady. She told me she laughed so hard she cried when she saw the Wayne Brady skit. She smokes bud too, I guess that's it.