curling and brown spots on lower leaves


Active Member
i recently discovered some lower leaves browning at the tips, and curling down and or up. some of the leaves have just brown spots on them but are otherwise in good form. most of the rest of the leaves on the plant are healthy.

most recent events was that i switched back to an MH bulb in a 400watt conversion ballast (mh bulb broke earlier and went to hps) it was growing great no problems with the hps.

another not is that i did recently over water the plant and it is still saturated, not really sure what to do about this except to leave it alone and hope it sucks up the water.

using a 20-10-10 soil, temps avg 80F 50-60% humidity. carbon filter + inline fan brings frash air in at the base and sucks hot air out at the top.


the plant on the right has the same soil, which leads me to believe it is most likely watering related. almost getting ready to go into 12/12 so i want to sort out health problems before then. any insight and info greatly appreciated.

Edit: found this, "Excess accumulation is rare but could cause bronzing or tiny brown spots on leaf surface." -

talking about iron, which it just so happens has a higher than normal concentration in the water from my house. i get the water filtered through the fridge, but it sometimes has a yellowish tint due to the excess of iron.


Active Member
more pictures.


may be related to phosphorous, potassium, mg, or iron... i really dont know at this point.