Curled yellowing leaves


Active Member
So I am having a problem with a plant, basically, the cycle starts by the leaves turning yellow, then the tips curl upwards til it basically touches the main vein of the leaf,start to twist while still yellow, then dry out, then eventually end up a twisted dry mess, I included a few pictures of 2 dead leaves that are all twisted. What would make it do this?



Fallen Buckshot

lemme beat em to the punch .. what soil lights temps nutes and ph are using or at ?


Active Member
lemme beat em to the punch .. what soil lights temps nutes and ph are using or at ?
Got 3 1000w HPS, they are flowering. Soil was actually some stuff that I bought from a soil distributor, which ended up being garbage, they had almost no nutrients in it. For veg I used Sensi Grow part A&B, for flowering im using foxfarm tiger bloom. My temps are about 80-85F with a 45-50%humidity. I just did a PH soil test, and it came at a dark 6.5 light 7.0. I have also noticed 1 plant one of its leave turned purplish. I am kind of leaning towards a difficiency rather than an over-fert, just because the soil had like nothing in it, and i've been doing pretty much what the bottles said.

Fallen Buckshot

hmm could be a combination of things the ph should prolly be down around 6.0 so you may be gettiing some nute lockout 80-85f could be a little warm depending on the strain you are growing .. what kinda airflow do you have for the 3 1000w hps ? you must be growin a jungle with that much light

no nutes in the soil isnt exactly a bad thing .. gives you full controll over how much/little nutes you use


Active Member
hmm could be a combination of things the ph should prolly be down around 6.0 so you may be gettiing some nute lockout 80-85f could be a little warm depending on the strain you are growing .. what kinda airflow do you have for the 3 1000w hps ? you must be growin a jungle with that much light

no nutes in the soil isnt exactly a bad thing .. gives you full controll over how much/little nutes you use
They are all vented with 6" insulated air ducts and 450cfm 6" inline can fans. Otherwise I have ac duct that blows on them, along with a circulating fan and a box fan. Yes but temperatures would not being having an effect on the leaves, other than burning, which my babies are like 8" from the glass, took some time to grow them to like that, but the leaves die from the bottom up. Someone, on an site we'll leave unnamed, said that it could be a nitrogen toxicity? Idk, I have nothing to really go on here, other than to explain that they yellow from the bottom of the plan up. They slowly die by yellowing, then twisting slightly, then they end up brown and dry and look like my first pictures. Otherwise there are no other symptoms I can see to tell you.