Curled Under, Skinny Leaves, Yellowing


Active Member
Hey guys. Can anyone help me figure out what's wrong with my 7 plants. Here is some background...

lamp: 400w MH light.
distance: 18-24"
medium: soil, Miracle Grow (spongy, some perlite)
container size: 1/2 gallon, 6" diam
room size: 2x4'
ventilation: fans on each side, constant light breeze
temperature: 78 deg F
humidity: 50%?
nutes: Fox Pro veg. Used twice so far after 4wks
water: every 3-5 days, when drying out. Flushed once on last water
Age: 6 weeks since sprout
From seeds
18/6 light cycle

SYMPTOMS (The one in the front has it the worst)
Top Leaves:
Curled under (claw like), very skinny and cupped
Loss of green (turning yellow) around edges
black/brown tips
Bottom Leaves:
Looking healthy
Half have sloped stems sideways from the bottom then straight up since sprout

Soil is kept moist but not over/underwatered

Flushed once but seems to get a little worse after

Is is nute burn? i thought maybe the light was too close, it was at 18. Lowered it to 24+...seemed to not make any difference...slowly getting worse

Certain plants have it worse that others. The bigger more robust ones seem to have less of a problem and healthier leaves. I haven't tried doing anything different yet to any of them..

I'm thinking maybe transplant to new soil and start fresh?

What do you think?
Do you need any more info?

Thanks in advance



Well-Known Member
prob too much food,,,at such a young age .....make sure your water ph is not any higher then 6.5 round 6/5.8 is could be ph


Active Member
Too much nutes...thanks, jats.

So what's the next step? flush? i wanted to put them in bigger pots soon anyways so...transplant to new soil? what's the easiest way to get back to neutral ph/nutrient level?


Well-Known Member
it looks like your ph is off. ph test the run off. Im willing to guarantee your growing medium is acidic and the runoff could possibly around 5.0-5.5. To fix this I would adjust the water to around neutral and keep testing the run off periodically. Transplanting will definitely help but soil the right soil is key. Drainage is also another factor. I wouldn't listen to any of my advice until you are 100% sure your soil's ph is acidic.


Well-Known Member
nurient burn. miracle grow soil has nutes in it and then on top of it you are feeding more nutes... and on top of that you flushed with loads of water ?? because when you flush MG soil it swells the little nutrient bombs and sets off a viscious nuclear nutrient storm
i would go buy some good organic soil and transplant them out of that shitty ass MG soil then cut your fox farm nutes back to half strength and feed every 3rd watering for about a month then bump it back up to full strength.


Active Member
Thanks Phinxter and bleezy The more i re-read what I've documented and when I think about the MG soil that i decided to use on my own from Home Depot and not get organic plain shit, I'm realizing it's gotta be over nuted. The plants are choking and burning on it. Well...lesson learned. I will transplant to some organic stuff from a grow shop and keep them on lite nutes and plain water for a while.

Question: When they get this bad...does it overshock them? Can they fully recover? I'm going on vacation for 10 days on Wednesday so i'm hoping to come home to healthier plants. i'll transplant them tomorrow and my buddy is going to water them twice with plain h20 while i'm gone.

I'll keep you posted onthe progress.

oh...btw, i tested the ph with a 5 dollar moister/lumen/ph tester from home depot and the sensor bareley moves from the far left position at 8+. That can't be right. Can it? can they get defective? seemed to be semi accurate with my last grow though and even now the moister and lumen sensors seem to still be accurate.


Active Member
I transplanted them into 3/4 gal square pots with some nute and ph neutral soil i got from a grow shop. A lot spongier and more perlite than the miracle grow soil too. They are doing MUCH better! All the new leaves are big, flat wide and healthy...and growing nicely I did end up having to prune off a lot of the damaged leaves in the middle but i'm hoping they will sprout back.

Looks like the new soil did the trick :)

Thanks for all of your help. I will post pics soon once they get a little bigger.