Curled leaves


Well-Known Member
hiya guys, just checked out my plants and some leaves are curling. Maybe the heat from lamp as i just moved it closer yesterday. What do u think? lower the shelve, which is about 10-12inches away...Room temp is a constant 28oC. i think i might change to 18/7, keep temp down a bit.

too close????


Active Member
It seems like many plants develop curled leaves. If the temp is above 80, lower the temp, mist it a few times, and keep hot lights away.


Well-Known Member
doing that right now, thanks for reply.
Ive moved fan closer and put speed to max, misted room temp water on them. Threw in a "quick fix" extractor fan. temp down to 24-25oC

someone else having same prob too. i think for me its too close to the light?

i find im spending more time here than i do anything else lmao all good though ;)


Well-Known Member
thnx for reply hecuter,

I was thinking and looking at cfl's the other day too. Ive never really heard of CFLs till i joined this site. i was looking at 125watt CFLs at £19.99 for each stage of growth (Veg, blue - flower, red). Its money i cant really afford at the moment but if the leaves keep curling then ill have to get one, as i understand that if u dont spend £ for the right stuff then im screwed.

plants seem to be ok now ive moved the shelve down and next set of leaves are doing great...pic

also switched to 18hour light.


Active Member


Well-Known Member
ahhhh, i see hecuter, i will look into that.

I just thought this monring that the protective glass is still on my HPS, maybe this why its so dam hot???


Active Member
keep the room at a constent temp ov 28degress just keep the lights about 30-60centermeters of the top ov plants and u should be ok