Curled and Thin Leaves (Pics) - What's wrong with it?!


Active Member
4/5 weeks old
Biobizz soil and fert
Been watering once a week
Fertilised twice

One of my 3 big buddha blue cheese plants has strangely curled and thin leaves, i can't work out why since i've treated it the same

The first two pics are the plant with the problem (Thin leaves)
The third pic is of another one of my plants which is fairly normal

Why are some of my lower leaves going yellow with brown patches on (as seen in pic number 3??)

Thanks for your help





Active Member
erm haven't got a pH meter, because i only have three plants, but i could get one i guess
what you thinking?


Well-Known Member
Definatly get the meter. It looks like your experiancing some micronutrient lock-out of some sort (cal, mag, zinc....) What have you been feeding . get your water to 5.8-6.1 run it through the container, then capture the runoff. The ph of the runoff should be in the mid 6s. If its not adjust the water until the runoff is where you want it. after you have fixed that I would get some Earthjuice microblast and foliar feed the plant with the lights off so that you dont get anymore of those brown burns you see on the bottom leaves. follow up with a mild nutrient solution and they should spring back in a few days. Sorry if this is a bit scattered I started drinking early this morning. Get back at me with the runoff ph and well work through it.


Active Member
Definitely get a ph meter I could never get past the first couple of weeks without one because my plants kept dieing. Once I started to ph my water on my 2nd try the plants bounced back and are very healthy now. Its very important to monitor your ph input and runoff water.


Active Member
where would you reccomend i get one from?
I've been feeding it biobizz fertiliser - 8.2.6 vegging one at about 1/4 strength
im just confused since other 2 are fine


Well-Known Member
atleast get the PH test kit with the drops, looks like they need to be fed, but since you are feeding they may not be absorbing these nutes if your PH is out of whack, like the other guy said you need to test the run off PH and make sure you are no higher than 6.5-7.o max, let us know when u find out your PH, if it is PH which i suspect it can be fixed easily, one of my favorite fixes is flushing your soil with a 1/4strength nutrient mix, it will balance out your PH aswell as ensure the uptake of those missing nutes which appears to be atleast N right now


Well-Known Member
No man you have an over fertilization problem your plants are still pretty small. cut back on the nutes and they will fix themselves.