thats funny, as soon as i saw "curl" i was 99% sure i knew what you were talkin about!
are the tips kinda burnt? I have the same thing goin on with some of my clones. It might be nitrogen burn from the steer manure, i'm usin chicken manure that also has high N so thats all i have really come up with. maybe a little heat stress too? did you transplant without hardening off? oh yea i have'nt ruled out disease and ph out of wack. i guerrilla grow in the ground so i dont know what ph value is, for the most part i just plunk'm in and hope for the best.
I was hopin a heavy rain and some time would've straightened things out, but the rain seemed to burn them even worse cause of the N run-off from the chicken manure, the only advice i could give ya is to chill on the tea and fish emulsion and see if they get any better. in my experience as long as you dont over do-it most outdoor plants find a way to straighten them selves out.
it sucks! sorry to hear it's happenin to you too! maybe someone knows whats up with it, i'll try and get some pics up! good luck brutha!
p.s if you suspect the ph to be low, wich it might be cause of all the compost and organic additives, throw down some lime to try and balance the ph a little. garden sulpher if you suspect it to be too high, but i would put my money on it being too low/acidic.