curious about my plants

I have these plants in my hydroponic cloner, set to a timer with sprayers of one minute on to four minutes off, being sprayed with tap water with 150ml of clonex and ph to about 5.5. Ive noticed a few of my plants drooping real low and have seen a few with brown spots on the leaves, as im new i have no idea what im doing wrong, so any help will be much appreciated. I have 2 100 wat cfl lights set to an 18-6 hour schedule.



Well-Known Member
This looks like over watering and over ferting.

And your plants appear to be stretching so get your lights closer, cut down on the clonex and make sure you are leaving your tap water out to dechlorinate for around 36hours before you use it.

You may need to allow a longer period between spraying.

I have not used a Hydro cloner so i cannot possibly be sure about what kind of spraying schedule to have them on but how they look says OVER WATERING OVER FERTING and STRETCHING.

Try the above or wait for someone to answer with Hydro cloner experience.

Hope this helps

ok I moved my lights down a bit, and also filed up a 5 gallon bucket and left it in the tub to change in a few days, ill run with just straight tap water and no clonex, getting some mh lights in a few days but until then ill just have to make due, these are the first ive ever started and all i really need is one good mother, but im trying to carry these to harvest before i finish setting up my growroom.


Well-Known Member
id def agree that u need to move the lights closed, i keep my 42W cfls about 3 inch away but since u gotta have it light over ur whole container id say have it about 5-6inch above it


Well-Known Member
You want to use a gentle light to get your clones started.

I personally go from seed so far on my 3 grows only 1 has been from clone.

this is what i use and how i use it

24w T5 6400k for 10days during propagation. This is where you keep the humidity high to help root development. What is your RH?

After 10 days i move to
125w CFL for a further 10days keeping Humidity at around 50%

Then i move to my 600w HPS for 2 week vigorous veg and then switch it to 12/12

Care early on pays dividends later on.

Humidity is the key when starting clones you need to try and keep it above 70% for the roots to develop.

humidity seems pretty high in the container where the roots are, and even in the room, dont have a meter (yet!) but its pretty wet when i walk in there. well im building another cloner like that and have one big container for vegging/flowering, getting a cheap, long chest and gutting insides and running florescent growlights along top when i get it set up, hard to describe but i have to be at work soon and dont have time for a diagram lol