curiosity killed the cannabis


Well-Known Member
so i just got my dip n gro via UPS (happiest moment all day). On the package it says to dip the clipping in for 3-5 seconds then put it in airy medium. It lists perlite as a medium, my only concern would be that perlite doesnt have any nutes and i would have to move it from that medium after only a short period of time. any suggestions or knowledge with such product? first time grower just trying to techniques an chit. thanks in advance:joint:

Mr. Bud

Well-Known Member
Correct, perlite doesn't have any nutes in it.

You'll need to pickup some nutes.

Check out the growfaq for which nutes to use..

The plants will be fine for a little while until they get a good root system going then they will need food :)

You can leave them in the perlite, they will get all they need from the nute solution they will be in from the water etc