

Well-Known Member
Hey everyone its been a while... Anyways just finished my 1st grow successfully last week. 4 bubba og plants have finished and have been hang drying in my tent for about a week. I'd say I'm close to a lb. in weight, not bad for my 1st time, at least I'm happy with the results. It was not easy, I got a new job april 1st, landscaping and have been working upwards of 60hrs by Friday and also I flowered to late and hit 12/12 when they where about 32". I was able to barely control the height by hanging bolts from the colas with hemp rope. It did the trick. Anyways the fruits of my labor look sexy as fuck, but have sort of a hay smell to them but when I squeeze the nugs I get the full og/bubba scent that I'm looking for. My question is when I do cure them will it bring out the beautiful aroma I'm looking for and how long of a cure will it take to get the dank smell? Also, is ok to cure in sealed plastic jars or should I go with only glass jars? Thanks again guys and peace-Ds


Well-Known Member
The drying and curing proccess will get rid of the hay smell. id recomend at least a cure of 2 weeks to get rid of it completely, then it should start to smell like you expect. I used hard plastic jars as well as glass jars for curing, the important part is the humidity level, its very important to let your jars breathe for about an hour a day (opinions on how long and when vary) for the first week of the cure, after that enough moisture should be gone that you can leave the cover on all the time, also when you breathe your jars rotate the buds around a little bit to make sure there all drying evenly.
The longer you cure the bettter the smell taste and high will be, but if your like me youll have it all smoked before its cured perfectly lol


Well-Known Member
glass jars are preferable. Continue to "burp" the jars for a few weeks longer than it might seem you need to "burp", especially if your buds are dense. Alot of moisture can hide inside those big buds and mold can quickly start growing on those babys. After you are CONVINCED your buds have completely dried and cured, pop those glass jars in the freezer to preserve your bud for up to a year.