

do i have to hang it and dry it or can i use air tight containers just open them a few times a day and shake em
ok when hanging it do i have to shake it with air flow till it drys and can i have it with no bag
You would only use a black bag if you intended to dry in an area where it was light because you want a cool dark place to dry. Condensation builds up inside a plastic bag and thats not good. A well ventilated closet would work, section a part of the garage, if its a small amount get a cardboard box cut slits and tie fishing string across the top and hang on that. You can cover it and vent through the bottom with a pc fan or something.

But yes you need to dry before you seal it up and cure. Takes about a week.
Bigger buds can be hung from string, but smaller buds can just be put into a paper bag or small cardboard box for about 5 or so days, just shake the bag once or twice a day. Once the buds start to feel a bit crispy put them into jars and seal. For the first few days of being in jars the moisture from the inner parts of the bud will seep out to the outside and they will start to feel wet again. Just open the jars for 20 or so minutes until the moisture is evaporated and then seal them back up. Once you open the jars and the buds stop feeling moist, you can close them up for good. Let 'em sit for a few weeks and when you open the jar the smell will knock you on your ass. haha
Lot of good info above for a good dry before ya start the cure process....I recently adopted another stage or two in my dry & cure methods...after my bud show a bit of crispness....which occurs a few days into dry yet up to 10 days for thicker buds, I jar with a calibre RH guage....after 4 hours, check guage...if 70+RH...out of jar and into good thick paper bag and back into dry goal is below 60%RH ...back & forth from bag to jar a couple of times gets me to the point I can long term storage and some excellent smell and taste!...
the way i cure is similar to oldreefer but when i reach 65%rh i keep the bud in an air tight jar and open once a week until the rh is 60%.
it takes about 3weeks to reach this stage but is well worth it.
Yep, gotta love the paper bags, after hanging I bag them for two to three days, then seal in jars and get very little moisture I rarely even check them anymore.
well dry it for 5 - 7 days upside down in a dark place which is dry and cool , some people use the paper bag method its okay but i think its kinda of a extra process i would put smaller buds inside the curing jars by then , the large buds its okay to use the paper bag method because there a bit moist inside still , so then the first day of curing in the jars you might want to check them every hour haha , because they risk mold at first but if you dry the big buds for a week you wouldn't have such a problem but i know the 1st week of curing is a bitch and you just need to keep an eye on the buds open cover , don't run mold you might have to cure them , open then jars shake so on for 2 - 3weeks after a month of this the curing jars are safe to leave shut , but open the jars once every week just incase if the jars are 2 MONTHS + they won't need to be open they could remain shut after 6 Months the jars can remain in the jars for 5 - 10 years but i know most of you guys will just smoke it before it ever gets that old lol.