How long would the longest time you could cure some nug because Ive herd of people curing for months to years in foodsaver jars i was just wonder if that was an absolutely necessary factor to making as potent product as possible
Weed i'm smoking from Jan, 9th...Still good Mar, 28...Still good Apr, 15th...Still good
It's all good. June, 26th...Not cured long enough to smoke
I just keep my weed in jars, in a cool dark place.
i would think that the minimum amount of time in a jar for a cure would be around a month, and i don't honestly think that there is a maximum amount of time that one could cure so long as they are in airtight jars and stored in a cool dark place..
After a point its more storage than curing, their is only so much chlorophyll to be released and cannaboids to convert to thc, so its not really curing anymore, it will reach a max potential. After a month-6 week cure i dont notice much difference if I go longer than that.