Curing Weed For 1 Yr???


Well-Known Member
The cure is done and over with well before 12 months.
If you want to preserve the flowers for a year or more then just buy some anti-uv cure jars such as

*edit F'n 2013 thread lol


Well-Known Member
I have a lot of Northern lights that was jarred on Halloween..... I think it is fine!... will see if I have any in a year.


Well-Known Member
Just wondering if bud would increase in taste if you cured it for a year? I've heard the longer you do it the better it gets but what if you do it for really long? Would it go bad and am I just wasting my time and should I just smoke it after 5 weeks?
I frequently leave some for next season as a control test

about a kilo or so in a shoe box size is held in a freezer

from my own experience I suggest using the product within 2-3 years

its gotta be properly dried and cured beforehand tho

thats the real secret to long storage

but I've been outdone before too

Chitral| Archaeologists excavating at a prehistoric site in the Hindu Kush
mountains, have discovered what could be the most ancient proof of
intentional use of a psychoactive substance by humans.
While searching the site of a Paleolithic settlement estimated to be
120 000 years old, scientists discovered seeds, resin and ashes,
associated to the indica subspecies of the cannabis sativa plant.



Well-Known Member
Well I just found some exactly a year since lost and it seems better to me. Mrs found some today in a cupboard from last years first harvest. To say I'm buzzing is an understatement hahaha

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
My friend found an Oz which fell behind the fridge after losing it for 2 years.

It was sealed in a plastic tub.

Smoothest best tasting weed I’ve ever had. Got me pretty stoned too!

So only way to store long term is sealed storage - which means you can’t open it to access buds etc...


Well-Known Member
My friend found an Oz which fell behind the fridge after losing it for 2 years.

It was sealed in a plastic tub.

Smoothest best tasting weed I’ve ever had. Got me pretty stoned too!

So only way to store long term is sealed storage - which means you can’t open it to access buds etc...
I only had one as had just got some fat stardoggg but it defo did the job


New Member
I'd like to get a digital humidor to control temperture and humidity.But the ones I looked at started @$1000.
I can never keep my humidity where it needs to be for drying. Winter is dry here that after you open your mason jar a few times to get a bud out the whole jar drys out. I allways have to add a little moisture back in. delete if not allowed but these are what i use for cigars in my carry pack (well not this low of a % but cannabis tends to be stored best between 55-65 from what i hear. thought it might help?


Well-Known Member
Frenchie Cannoli said that leaving hash to cure was a great idea. He was turned on to some that had aged for 14 years and he thought it sublime.

Personally I grew some Afghani #1 and didn't think it was that great. I put it away in a sealed bag in the dark for 2 years. When I found it I tried it. The difference was amazing! It went from 'so what' in a 3 month cure to amazing in 2 years. Had a pronounced hash taste and was very stony.
I currently have some Malawi I grew out 2 years ago and have stashed. I took a couple tokes the other day and flew all day long. I can't imagine cobcured on this stuff. No wonder Tangwena from ICmag says he breaks off a little piece and eats it and stays wacked all day.

Experts without direct knowledge give opinions. And we know about "opinions".


Well-Known Member
I don’t use much so at this point most of my weed is 1-2 years old. As long as you keep the humidity pack in the jar it’ll be good. Definitely tends to turn gold/brown with some strains but all mine is very smooth and tastes great.


Well-Known Member delete if not allowed but these are what i use for cigars in my carry pack (well not this low of a % but cannabis tends to be stored best between 55-65 from what i hear. thought it might help?
I use a 62% humidity, 60-gram size pack in each of the 1/2-gallon glass Ball jars I cure and store in. Slow dried over 7 to 10 days it never needs burped once in the jar. I just used part of last fall's harvest to shake for Kief and it is perfect as always. I harvest 4 times a year and the sets get 9 weeks in the jar before use.

3 years was the furthest out I've kept a jar for science so far and if kept at 62% with boveda it smells and tastes like it did and seemed as stoney as ever. It's the emergency jar I actually got into during the blizzard of 2023 when we got 8 feet of snow in 8 days and were snowed in for 6 weeks.


Well-Known Member
My 2 cents on a really fucking old thread. I dry limbs for 12-14 days at 60/58, buck and trim, seal in CureTubes for a couple of months, (burping), then put in 1 gallon jars with a Bovido pack in a dedicated fridge. I've got weed that's more than a year old, and it still flows like lava after a run through the electric grinder, still got bounce, and nose. I really think in the right conditions, it could be good for a couple of years.
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