curing question


Active Member
i have had my buds hanging in my closet for 5 days. i put them in jars, but some are still a little wet. should i leave the jars open for a couple days or just go ahead and seal them, and open them a couple times a day.


Well-Known Member
i always put my buds in the jar when a lil moist still but not wet. i would open the jars about 5 times a day for 5-10 min. and then close them up and roll the jar around to move the buds


Well-Known Member
mcpurple, couldn't he just leave it hanging longer until it gets really dry ?
he could but then the buds mite be to dry and just crumble. my buds are usally dry its the stem in the middle that is a lil moist still that way when it goes into the jar it slowly releases the moisture back into the buds and drys very evenly


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the explanation guys, never heard of it, I thought you had to wait until you get a crisp when you snap the stem, and actually that's what I read today in a couple of places, I guess the drying methods are evolving hehe

Will keep that in mind and probably do some more research :)


Well-Known Member
some people have different techniques ive waited till the bud was all the way dry and then cured but i like it the way i explained better, it doesnt trap as much chlorophyll in the buds.
oh and your welcome.


if to moist place into paper sandwich baggy and fold up the top and open 2 times a day. it is a lot easier to rotate bud from the bottom to the top in a baggy and it disapates moisture into paper better.after a couple of days place into jar and burp