Cure is over at 45%, ill never understand that. You dont even need a jar to cure just time for changes to happen meaning that once its dried futher changes happen.
Great hash makers simply hung plants for a long time and low humidity didnt impead the changes discussed here. For them extra dry bud released the trichs much better and would go past the point we dry to.
I dont find much substance in what a lot say, yes you did tests or found it better one way but actually this subjects been cracked by past growers long before we were born.
45% dosent bother me but naturally jar humidity will rise over time to a stable point, boveda just take advantage and help those who struggle with the other techniques like early jarring excess moisture, i dont mind the product just anyone good can do without and produce the same bud.
Probably a spent boveda .... if it was viable it would hold Rh for a lousy pic.
There is some browning on that upper left bud that don’t look too good.
If it really has dropped to 45 , cure is over.