Curing in glass jars


Well-Known Member
Newbie question here....

Anything one needs to do to prep the jar for curing storage? I'm strapped in the cash flow department and couldn't go buy new ones. I took an old mayo jar and pickle jar from the fridge, dumped the contents, hand washed the jars and lids, then ran them through a dishwasher. There was no lingering smell in either jar, so I thought I was good.

My first harvest went into the pickle jar after it was dry enough, and every day when I burp it/ open it, it still has the grassy smell, but the jar's starting to take on a new pungent smell, that kinda smells like weed, but I'm worried that although I cleaned the hell out of it that it might start to smell like what was in the jar beforehand.

I shouldn't have chosen a pickle jar. whoops. Is my crop going to taste like pickles, or is this the process of it taking on it's normal weed smell?


Well-Known Member
Your ok...If that worked id be using grape jam jars.Next time wash with alcohol,it will kill any germs and bacteria.


Well-Known Member
it should take on its normal weed smell. if your really that worried about your jar being contaminated i would recommend getting some Kern's canning jars. they are pretty inexpensive. i bought mine at michaels arts and crafts and the one that fits a zip in it was only like 50 cents and the one that fits a qp was only like a $1. and they are very air tight and clean. and apparently walmart has them too next to the dishes section.


Well-Known Member
So far I think I'm good. Then again, this is my first time, so there's still time for me to hose it up completely.

They're at the stage where when I open it, the buds are a bit damp to the touch, but after an hour of the jar being open, they're dry again. I rearrange the buds, seal it, wait a day, do it again, etc. I'm also breaking into it every day or so to sample. I have no self control.:weed:

Each day the jar smells stronger, but there's still a grassy smell. I think they've been in the jars about 5 days.

I'm thinking a few more days, until I open it and the buds aren't damp anymore, then I can put away for long term storage? I've read everywhere to put them in a cool, dark place for long term storage. Would a fridge work?


Well-Known Member
Dude dont freeze your weed,if it has any moisture in it its gonnna be bad....I freeze my cartons of smokes,But i know theres no moisture in my cigs.Just put it in a dark closet thats got a little fresh air and leave it alone,Buy some mids and wait a week if all possible,Break glasss in a EMERGENCY,lol


Well-Known Member
So the next two jars I've emptied from the fridge were of minced garlic and ginger. They're soaking now to get the labels off, then they will be swabbed with alcohol and then will go in the dishwasher.

Before I load nugs into a jar that used to house garlic, is everyone SURE my weed won't taste like garlic? :)


Well-Known Member
I did the samething as you with the jars. I have 2 old mayo jars, 2 salsa jars and 1 other jar that I can't remember off hand what was in it. The salsa jars I did not use. Even after hand washing and running them twice in the Dishwasher they still smell of salsa. I refused to put my just harvested bud into those jars for fear of them tasting like salsa. LMAO. The other jars were fine though. It's been almost 3 weeks and I am finaly getting rid of that grassy smell. The first couple of days it seemed to get worse(the grassy smell). But it does go away after time. Just keep burping the jars everyday. So far no ill effects from using these jars. They haven't transfered any flavor or smell to the bud.


Well-Known Member
The longer you cure the grassy hay smell will go away. The problem with first time growers is the anxiety to smoke the buds!! From what I hear 2-3 weeks is a good cure. Some even go for months. Patience grasshopper!!:-P


Well-Known Member
freezer would work even better!

Putting your buds into the freezer will most certainly put a stop on the curing/again process..

So if that's what your wanting.. then sure go ahead and put them into the freezer. But rest assured that the xtreme cold temps will put a stop to the aging/curing process of the buds.

Also, remember to make DOUBLE sure your buds are completely dry before putting them into the fridge.



Well-Known Member
I,m having the same problem the grass smell but it is begeining to go away and starting to smell like weed . I used an old candle jar cleaned the wax out and it looks like a nug jar . Mine has been curing about 7 days . I broke into mine also nice soaring high !


Well-Known Member
The smell of grass or hay is the smell given off as the chlorophyll in the buds breaks down. It's completely normal and should go away in a couple of weeks, replaced by the true smell of your crop.


i am using an olive jar, sweet salad peppers jar...both mt olive i think lol, grape jelly jar, and i have a medium size coffee can. does anyone know if coffee cans are air tight enough?

someone else

Active Member
Here are the jars I'm using this year to cure my outdoor Sour Diesel and G13/Haze:

View attachment 1213587

Mt. Olive Pickle jars, a salsa jar, and some molasses jars. The key to rinsing them out is to do it more than once. I cleaned mine several times in the sink, then I'd put the jars in the dishwasher a few times.

Eventually, even the pickle smell that stays around the lid goes away, and the jars are sterile and smell free.
Mason jars are where its at just go to Walmart or a local grocery store and get em, like dude said on pg 1 they are dirt cheap