Curing in fridge

How’s if going . I’m just looking for others who use the fridge to cure? This is after hang drying in ac /humidity controlled room of course.

This is my 2nd trial , the first came out pretty good. Humidity /temp stay ideal in fridge vs Hawaii outdoors 80% and up humidity a lot. I use turkey bags they just work better then jars. Nothing but bud in fridge and I can adjust setting as needed .

It sure ends up saving me money on electric bill

Anyone else have success /fails?


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Ive done dry bags in the fridge for weeks due to vacations ect, it does seem to make the smoke more smooth but damn, I had to stop because it made all the food especially the veggies smell like weed lol.

How long do you usually hang your plants? @Hawaiifire420
I try to go for 7 days ,10 if i can. Have a 3/4 concrete block room I turned in to dry/cure room. Ac/dehumidifier/fans . Set to 70 degree with about 50% humidity .

Works great but bought a mini fridge just to keep weed in ,as it is always wet feeling if left outside here. Don’t have ac anywhere in house , just the dry/cure room lol.

Any day I can knock off running ac/dehumidifier/2 fans vs just a mini fridge I do it. kWh is crazy high here.
the trick to fridges and long term storage is not opening the fridge . Every time you open it the humidity drops out of the air and into the fridge. Try to keep it shut and pull from the jars quickly

I used to have a hard time drying in high humidity. I found out all you have to do is turn the fan up a little more and it will evaporate that water out (quickly though so monitor it closely)

I used the myherbsnow dryer which is basically a fancy thing with a fan in it this year and it dried the buds out perfect during 70% humidity.
I try to go for 7 days ,10 if i can. Have a 3/4 concrete block room I turned in to dry/cure room. Ac/dehumidifier/fans . Set to 70 degree with about 50% humidity .

Works great but bought a mini fridge just to keep weed in ,as it is always wet feeling if left outside here. Don’t have ac anywhere in house , just the dry/cure room lol.

Any day I can knock off running ac/dehumidifier/2 fans vs just a mini fridge I do it. kWh is crazy high here.
I do 65f 45-50% humidity and I try to aim for 2 weeks of dry time with a light dry trim and no direct air movement (fan oscillates away), I honestly just bite down and run the a/c to dry for a couple of weeks, not ideal but i have never had any luck with shorter dry times, always came out harsh for me.

Stick at it & hopefully you'll figure out a cheaper method for hawaii growers haha.
How’s if going . I’m just looking for others who use the fridge to cure? This is after hang drying in ac /humidity controlled room of course.

This is my 2nd trial , the first came out pretty good. Humidity /temp stay ideal in fridge vs Hawaii outdoors 80% and up humidity a lot. I use turkey bags they just work better then jars. Nothing but bud in fridge and I can adjust setting as needed .

It sure ends up saving me money on electric bill

Anyone else have success /fails?
try a water cure
Hmmm.....never thought about a mini fridge cure. I have the opposite problem with humidity. I’m in Stockton, California area, humidity throughout my grow has been around 30. I had to buy a humidifier for drying, seems so counter productive but hear it will smell and taste like hay if I didn’t get one
Fridge seems to works great . Just have no food or anything in same fridge. Set control knob to adjust humidity /temp. Open it as little as you can to burb bags/jars. Have to cure/dry right for any hope of having smell/taste.

rob333 -looking up the “water cure” sounds interesting