Curing in 5 Gal buckets

Hydro slapping u all with the facts.
I figured I can do a little digging after reading the thread. It can be done, however I have not done it myself to reassure that plastic taste will set in over time as previously stated. I've seen the video on the bucket/air tube system, and it seems pretty solid. Again tho I can not confirm. That lid will at least keep the air from leaking up top, then you just gotta worry about the grommets being nice and tight.
You also mention using stainless steel which I say is no better than plastic and although it's better at not leaching metallic flavors like other metals it's still does..
Get some experience then come back.
You said "if I haven't used it or have experience with I don't need to comment."
But here you are.. commenting, and evidently helping out just as much as the inexperienced answers here.
You said "if I haven't used it or have experience with I don't need to comment."
But here you are.. commenting, and evidently helping out just as much as the inexperienced answers here.

Ha yeah I have those lids. The air leaks does. I've tried new lids, tried to tighten more (try to get that fucker back off) tried olive oil on the threads.......tried olive oil on the o-rings. Have also posted about the this a bunch of times. You say you're have definitely gotten a bag of weed before.......did it ever taste like plastic?
having worked in restaurants for many years i assure you their is no plastic residue on food grade buckets. i hope you never eat pickles from most restaurants

also it matters not if its air tight because in the automated system with the closed loop the air is exchanged anytime the hydrometer changes

this is for curing and not considered long term storage.
Ha yeah I have those lids. The air leaks does. I've tried new lids, tried to tighten more (try to get that fucker back off) tried olive oil on the threads.......tried olive oil on the o-rings. Have also posted about the this a bunch of times. You say you're have definitely gotten a bag of weed before.......did it ever taste like plastic?
Oh alright. I honestly didn't know for sure, and also didn't know that you've been down that road til now. My bad if I came off wrong. Just felt like you stuck your leg out to trip me in the hall lol
Fortunately I've never tasted plastic in any bud. No matter how big the baggie was. Of all the bags I've picked out of the black 13gal hefty drawstring bags gave me the creeps lol