Curing finally

Greenthumb Gangsta

Active Member

You apparently now how to grow so do what you think is the best as far as often you burp. It would depend on how long you air dried them and other variables.

Grow on!



Well-Known Member
Well, the buds have been drying for 10 days and curing for 5 and i must say............DAMN...............i tasted a piece today and it was lovely!!!!.......The smell isn't too strong yet,(which doesn't bother me) it still needs to cure for 2 weeks............i tasted it in my budbomb and it was really smooth and went down o so nice!:hump:

wish i could share with all of those who helped with info during the i said, this is the first thing i have ever grown in my life.......and it was easy............ with help!( and youtube)!


Well-Known Member
as far as burping i do it 2 times a day.......take all the same types of bud and place them in a brown paper bag,(that was cut, so not so high) shake them around a little ,so the air can get into them ,and then back to the jars.After a couple of days the weed will shrink some from the drying process and the i can actually just turn or shake the jars and the weed mixes itself.......then i just have to open the lids every once and a while to let some of the moisture out.

Greenthumb Gangsta

Active Member
like i said, this is the first thing i have ever grown in my life.......and it was easy............ with help!( and youtube)!

Looks like you have some natural talent. I am just finishing my second grow and this website has expanded my knowledge leap and bounds.

Great looking buds for your first grow. My first was a learning experience. It wasn't that difficult but the second time around I did a few things different.



Well-Known Member
i was somewhat lucky i think......never changed my water just always added water with nutrients but never completely changed my water(but i have airstones in them)i read a lot of things that said YOU MUST CHANGE YOUR WATER but i never did. During the end of my flower i ran out of nutrients so my mother plants didn't receive nutrients for almost three weeks. Some other things (plants growing to tall,ect.)but i don't want to bore ya'll.:hump:


Active Member
I have a question, read a few times "if you don't burp you can get mold"...well I was wondering..if the buds are completely dry where is the moisture coming from to cause this "mold"? widowman makes sense to me, same thing as I do. When my buds feel like they have regained moisture when in the jar I take them out and lay them on a paper towel until they are dry. When they are completely dry I just leave them in the jar until I get ready to use. Smell and taste still owns + no mold. No burping every day and all that.


Well-Known Member
sometimes when the buds feel dry to the touch, there is still moisture inside the stems on the buds,.........thats where your moisture comes from while in the jars to make your mold!:hump: