It's not so much tripping. I'm just looking at the bigger picture knowing what's happened with the tobacco industry. This FDA has lead to some really odd anomalies, and they weren't interested in tobacco, at first.
Fire safe cigarette laws could be expanded to mean only "electronic cigarettes"
- Big Tobacco fought that for 30years and finally the states "forced" it by passing a bunch of state legislation. The same tactic used to censor them with the MSA. A flurry of frivolous liablity suits.
Electronic cigarettes are regulated as "drug delivery" devices and subject to FDA approval. Vaporizers would probably fall under this or nebulizers if not explicitly banned.
- Big Tobacco fought that and won, but it was over turned through appeals.
Drug paraphanelia is already banned.
- Operation pipe dreams reinforced that.
Basically the way I see it is Big Tobacco was the last straw. With them out of the way and regulated no one with a mouth, money, and interest in civil rights can challenge the legality of a regulated plant. It's as simple as rescheduling marijuana and saying it must be administered through an electronic cigarette.
The only thing left now is Taxes which they are trialing in California.