Cup in Alaska

Or anyone else:

Got an update on this? I heard the city nixed the smoking garden as well as any open display, and that the organizers called it off. WTF
Yep everyone is dropping like flies
Maybe worse than "Dropping like flies"

Saw this on the organizer's FB page:

City edict forces cancellation of the Marijuana Industry Summit and AK 420 Fest

It is with sincere regret, and complete frustration, that Adventure Expos must cancel its planned Marijuana Industry Summit and AK 420 Fest, slated for April 19-20 in the Egan Center.
Due to what we feel are shortsighted and over-reaching policies governing the convention centers, established only five days ago, there is simply no cost-effective means to host a cannabis-related event in public venues in Anchorage. The edict issued on March 20 from the mayor’s office regarding municipal venues specifically denies the possession or display of cannabis in any form, and it warns that any show allowing such items will be shut down immediately and face potential legal action. This new policy prohibits anyone possessing cannabis in any form from entering any municipal facility.
We apologize to all of our supporters and fine vendors. Your response and enthusiasm for our event was inspiring — you folks get it. By not allowing the display or possession of cannabis products in public venues at expos, the city just turned its back on potentially millions of dollars of economic impact these conventions would bring to Anchorage.
The edict is attached in its entirety.