Okay... not a lot of pics here I'm afraid but there is a lot of stuff going on here...
Measuring in at 3.5 oz dry and have had about a half ounce already, so 4 oz from one plant is fuckin awesome!

and still another to go!
Fruit punch I'll give another few days just to make sure she's cooked but she looks ready now. I reckon another 4 Oz from the FP too, but I'll have to see, it's very hard to gauge as she grows different to the other strains.
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Smokes real nice now too. Swells up when it's crushed just like I like it to.Very fruity smell and a very hashishy taste. The buzz is cerebral and hard and comes on very slowly. The 'tamed' smoker would easily have a whitey on this stuff lol
Bag appeal is okay. Largish nugs, not too resiny but quite fluffy on the outside, dense on the inside. I've moved the smaller stragglier buds to the side as with the rotten bits, they together weigh 14g so I guess that's my bit haha the rotted bits look awful and brown. Just super lucky I pulled her out before it spread further...
Doesn't look like 3.5, but I guess it's cos of the larger colas at the back. It's really dry right now but I'm leaving it to go proper crispy before jarring it. I've made the mistake of jarring far too early in past grows and getting a right damp stinky smell to the weed that don't go away.
Also this time I'm gonna put it in sandwich bags inside the jar. I hate the smell of reused weed jars... yuk smells rotten!
Anyway, I'll try and get better pics of Fruit Punch in a few days. Enjoy peeps!