Cumber's Fruity Lair


Well-Known Member
no mate ..... green o'matics can be (early ready) at 55 days from seed... mine are at day 62 and they smell really fruity right now, gonna give em a max of 2 weeks then chop em... really want to see them amber up.... still got weeeeeks left on the poorly looking critical jack but its done wonders so far


Active Member
no mate ..... green o'matics can be (early ready) at 55 days from seed... mine are at day 62 and they smell really fruity right now, gonna give em a max of 2 weeks then chop em... really want to see them amber up.... still got weeeeeks left on the poorly looking critical jack but its done wonders so far
So you're already past the point of readiness... Wise to keep them going if you can handle the wait. CJ should do well, I really wanna see what it does :)

I got two weeks left for my first cheese, counting the seconds - veeeery slooowly


Well-Known Member
the hairs have turned mostly fully ginger bro ... but they have yet to curl back in .... and the trichs are cloudy, ....not quite ....still


Active Member
Yep ;)

Got the sister-in-law staying over though, so I can't install it yet. She's not to know ssshhhh!

Probably will get it done soon. The baby is due on Sunday so things are a little busy here...


Well-Known Member
well hope everything goes well mate... save plenty of change for parking lol (just one of the nightmares facing you)...

and hopefully the outlaws will be history soon :-)


Active Member
Okay no updates today... New baby = very tired bloke

But I did manage to borrow me mates jewellery magnifier and have a good look. Can't really tell, as the mag isn't really high enough. But they all look brown LoL so I took the bottom two branches off (easily a quarter) and there're still 4 main side branches left that are still fattening up :)


Well-Known Member
best way to use a jewlers mag is .... cut a tiny (i mean tiny) piece off one bud ... just a tiny sugar leaf, and lay it on your kitchen counter (you want good natural light) then position your mag above it.... i've tried so many times to see clearly while looking at one bud in the cabinet... it just don't work with my shakey hands lol


Active Member
best way to use a jewlers mag is .... cut a tiny (i mean tiny) piece off one bud ... just a tiny sugar leaf, and lay it on your kitchen counter (you want good natural light) then position your mag above it.... i've tried so many times to see clearly while looking at one bud in the cabinet... it just don't work with my shakey hands lol
Nah mate just can't see shit with this thing, wherever I try it. I just need to go get a bigger boat (jaws).

btw, regardless of what the trichs looked like, it knocked my fucking tits off last night! LoL Still got at lease enough left for another evening too and I only took 2 small bottom branches
Am proper hankering now to chop her down lol trying to resist but it's toooooo hard! Still another week n half left :wall:


Well-Known Member
hahahaha.... yeah i got well lean and went to bed well early last night, i love harvest time... started my jar this morning .... still sticky and stinking


Active Member
Well I was out there so grabbed a few snaps :) All is looking well and fruity it should be.

Exo1, top cola and side branch

Exo2, top cola and side branch

Big Bud, top

Budziller and Fruit Punch
(BB has doubled in height since last pics)

The flower cab

The veg cab didn't make it to the camera this week... maybe next week. All Mothers are now showing new growth but it's still budziller that's out-stretching the others, it's nearly touching the lights! Babies are also doing great. The tiny babies are still struggling but surviving and I'm considering soiling them as that seemed to make the others a lot happier. I've wired up the new RVK fan, ready to install in the shed now the in-laws have gone. Just gotta empty the shed LoL give it a few days eh... Plus my Mum is coming to stay, same day as I'm due to harvest. Bugger! Not sure now if I should indeed cut the bitch down or leave it longer (it looks like it wants longer).

Theories about leaving it till the end, I've got to say, are proper true. My Exo1 is growing faster now in it's last two weeks than it has since first vegging. Am getting a lot of upward growth but not a great deal of swelling yet. My leaves just started turning brown today, which means it's getting ready :) Apparently you're to leave them to brown and dry and fall off and leave it still to grow further before chopping it. With this theory, I believe they undergo some massive swelling after the browning stage. I guess I'll see if I can wait that long! LoL


Well-Known Member
looks great mate ... yeah most strains swell a fair amount just in the last 2-3 weeks of flowering... looks propper mate... keep em going as long as you can is my best guess, you'll know when they are ready


Active Member
OMG@ this swelling! I'm astounded at the rate of bud growth during this period. And I nearly went and cut her down a few days ago LoL I'm glad I didn't (But I may still go and snag a few more branches, those last two got me proper lean up!).
The top cola is now turning a tanned brown colour, obviously the trich's and no magnifier needed lol which does raise the concern that it may be ready and I'm leaving it too long waiting another week and half... but I think it's gonna be okay to leave it to keep swelling, so I will.

In other news, my Budziller tester sprouted pistels today. I am a little confused about this... I only put her in a few days ago. Don't worry it's good confusion haha part stoned too.
Just a little surprising at how fast she took and now how fast she's flowering AND how fast she's stretching (both in veg and in flower). This could be an excellent candidate for SCROGing when I have some more space. During my proper Budziller grow, I'm going to experiment to see how well she takes to being topped. If I get good results then it could be the way to go this summer ;)
So this shall count as day 1 for Baby Budziller #1

Looking real yummy!!
nice job
And looking yummier by the day, trust! :)

looks great mate ... yeah most strains swell a fair amount just in the last 2-3 weeks of flowering... looks propper mate... keep em going as long as you can is my best guess, you'll know when they are ready
I think you're right mate, long as poss for best results. I'm gonna be biting my nails off this week though trying not to chop a bit more here and there LoL

Hey....those aren't cucumbers!

Looking nice bro, KUTGW
It's a special kind of cucumber ;)

Thank mans. I gotta ask though... wtf is KUTGW? Is this a sign of me getting old, that I can no longer recognise acronyms... lmao

Thanks for passing thru guys


Active Member
Exodus Cheese, now in it's eighth and final week of flower.

Cloned and rooted for two weeks, vegged for two weeks and fed only with Plant Magic's Oldtimer Bloom.

She is officially in her final days, but am unsure if I should keep her under for another week... I think I would have more of an idea nearer the time, but does any1 have any thoughts?
I've been advised to wait for the leaves to go brown and fall off and then wait for further swelling... this may take another two weeks!


Peace out peeps and thanks for tuning in ;)


Well-Known Member
i would get a magnifying glass of a decent power real quick mate... you don't want to over cook them ... and checking them trichs is your best guess.....
i can't blame you on the smoking the sucker buds mate... i did that for best part of a week, rather then pay for rubbsh


Active Member

too late, I chopped it!

No pics cos the missus was around and shaking her head in disapproval. Absolutely stinks the entire house out, proper! Went out and come back, and almost felt suffocated with dank :-O
Can't hang it (can't actually put it anywhere safely lol) so it's in a box separated into cardboard layers in a very warm cupboard and will stay so at least until tomorrow, when I'll take some more drastic measures to get it put away. Along with its cheesy dankness.

Certainly, visually, it appears to be much more than I'd expected. But I guess it's the dry weight that will tell the difference, which I probably won't get before I smoke it as I have no scales LoL

Peace out for now peeps, smoke ya later ;)