

so i was looking into legally growing canibus in my state and found out its 90k application fee 100k annual fees, WTF big buisness taking over or something thats waaay to high for a small grower!!!!!! or is it just Ohio? did every state start out like this is there hope in the future for someone like me to open a farm or dispensary?
Pretty prohibitive where I live as well. (WA) The fees are crazy and the place is loaded with big players. As much as it is legal and all this place isn't exactly what one would call "friendly"'. No home grow for rec. users.
What happened to the Organics movement is similar to what will happen to the cannabis industry. The Organic Standards Act was not written for the small growers. They already had a system of certification in place. The large growers needed it to cement business deals. I dont think organics was ever meant for large scale cultivation.
If you went north to MI it's only a 10K non refundable application fee.....LMFAO!
They have it all in for big business as the big players give kickbacks to play the game with. Thought you guys voted NO on the big business end? Or did your AG turn around and ignore the people like ours is?

Now what kind of variety and cutting edge strains do think will be available in our states? Bend over!
From their point of view. If you got that kind of money to spend on a license. You got enough probably to support the business. Also, they get their first cut, upfront. Whether you fail or succeed they get paid.
i talked with the owner in mi . he told me it costed him a total of 250k to be legal in mi and in the city. his business looks like it would return his upfront cost in a few months or less .
i talked with the owner in mi . he told me it costed him a total of 250k to be legal in mi and in the city. his business looks like it would return his upfront cost in a few months or less .
What club are you talking about. I'm assuming somewhere in Ann Arbor or Lansing. No way it costs that much in the D.
Doesn't look like there is any room for the mom and pop growers in the legal market. Those that laid the foundation are now going to be walked on. It's all about the Benjamins.
Doesn't look like there is any room for the mom and pop growers in the legal market. Those that laid the foundation are now going to be walked on. It's all about the Benjamins.

Yer some douches thought it would make things beetter legalizing it, now you need a liscence and money or your illegal again. Fuck the med and legal growers, idiots opened the door for a right stepping on!
Cali is alright a lot of people just grow small batches and sell them to what ever clinic that offers the right price & the clinic gets the tax. but since everyone can now grow 6 plants as of 2017 i don't think i will be profitable for big grows & clinics compete hard $10 for a gram of 35% lab tested bud.
i voted on no recreational to try to keep the price highly profitable on grows but it passed so guess that's me being greedy lol
all the best strains are in california its a competition of quality & price which is good for smokers cus weed just keeps getting better & cheaper