Cucumber beetles


Well-Known Member
I was out inspecting today and found a cucumber beetle munching away at a lead. I tried to kill it but it escaped. I'm 4 to 5 weeks in flower what can I do? Also how do you use the search function to actually find what your looking for?


Well-Known Member
I hate them! Last year I had them munching on my zucchini and squash. Little bastards. I was out there every day picking them off and killing them. Luckily they left my tomatoes alone.


Well-Known Member
I have tomatoes squash and pumpkins in the yard so I'm sure there's more but what kills them? At this point all I spray is bt and spinosad but gonna stop the spino soon


Well-Known Member
get preying mantis early on so when you got nuggets they are full grown and protect the plant.

this late in season though i agree with hand pick