Cucumber Beetles aka green ladybugs...I suck them off...


Well-Known Member
I am having a bitch of a time with these guys this year...
They eat the neem oil & azamax like it's siracha...I have been using a hand vac to suck them off (lol)'s lame and really time consuming...
I am getting some sticky guys have other ideas? I'm not big into pesticides..but this has to end...
I read a few sites....saying to use row covers....and that's not going to work...

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
This is only a thought senor .... but maybe the damage is being caused by whatever the ladybug itself is feeding on ... I might be wrong but it does make some sort of sense


Well-Known Member
I am using Captain Jacks Dead Bug Brew. Killed my thrip problem in one spray. I also sprayed a compost tea on them yesterday which may have increased the effectiveness of the bug brew?? idk. I just know that spraying the bug brew and compost tea wiped out the thrips. I will spray again when I get my shipment in from amazon. They sell it at my local home depot but it is like 10 bucks for the ready-to-use bottle and on amazon it is 20 for the concentrate. you do the math. Spinosad also fucks up budworms from what I hear. So that is a plus. I found some dead leaf suckers under my leaves today when foliar feeding. Hahaha take that bastards!! :cuss::cuss::fire:


Well-Known Member
Lol @ the handvac. That's awful cute. I have a drum shop vac that I would loan you if you were close by. But this still is only temporary. I could feed all of your beetles to my frogs and lizards.