Cubs - this is the year!

What is this some kind of minor league team? Why are you the only team named after a baby animal? It's an old franchise, the good animals weren't even taken yet and your pondscum founder was like I'll call em the cubs because they are filthy harmless animals. A baby animal. I've never seen a baby with a ring on because they'll choke. Just like the cubs will at some point this season.
LOL's, there's good reason why St. Louis just lost their NFL team for the second time. People only visit the town driving through, on their way somewhere else. Bad restaurants, cheap beer...the list goes on.

NHL playoff ratings are at an all-time low, thanks in part to the Blues.
Exciting to see these guys play. I knew Theo and the Ricketts had some tricks up their sleeves but the turnaround was way quicker than expected. Glad that Baez has had a little more patience at the plate. Our division is stacked though so it'll be a great race this year.
In all honesty, I love baseball and Im not delusional. I dont believe in curses but Im a firm believer in great coaching. Maddon is doing everything right so far. Our rotation is solid and our offense is jacked even without schwarber. I hope we can hold it together. I love the nl central division. As a cubs fan im supposed to hate the cardinals but they always have a good team. And my favorite player of all time, Roberto Clemente, played for the Pirates.
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You have excellent taste in greatness...I saw him play live many, many times. And he was a great human being off the field as well...and the guy who hit behind him for 10 yrs. was pretty good too...
I would give a kidney to have seen him play. I love baseball. And those years were tough for him as a dark skinned Puerto Rican playing baseball in 60s America. He took it all in stride, persevered and was selfless until the day he died. My grandfather has all the pennants he bought as a kid going to games at Wrigley. He only went when they played the Pirates lol.
Go Pirates - but even as a Pirates fan, have to admit the Cubbies actually look like they have all the pieces. Bullpen may still be a question mark but with their starters doing so well, hard to tell if bullpen is a strength or weakness at this point.
Bullpen is always a struggle with the cubs. Way too many blown saves in the past. Hopefully, with our offense putting up numbers this year, it will balance it all out. Still too early to tell
Heard Dock used to be high as hell on the mound. He even admitted he was tripping on acid one game. I think it was his best game too lol
There is a very cool documeutary about Dock Ellis...I THINK it's called 'No No a Dockumentary'...check it out if you get the chance...fabulous old footage of a dynamic character!