CSIS getting more power..


Well-Known Member
what more really needs to be said? They figure they're going to control hate online...well that's what they're telling us the reason is...they want to be able to monitor which websites you visit. Just the beginning me thinks!
Apparently they're monitoring 90 people for suspected terrorist activities in our entire country. That's very minuscule if you think about it.... But I guess Harper knows what he's doing lolol....
They should have surveillance on all the kitchen knives in Canada.
Ya never know when one might cut some one eh!?!?!
We've seen the CON's attempt to bring in domestic spying laws before...usually hidden in the middle of a budget or some shit. Who the fuck defines 'terrorism'? The moron in Ottawa was no terrorist...he was crazy. We are heading into an era where saying something bad about your government makes you an enemy. Remember him telling us if we were didn't support Israel we were anti-Semitic? An election isn't going to fix this...we need a revolution to take our country back.
You know chris, the news is spinning this in the direction of ideology, because he left a video dissing the cons foreign policy...
I see Paulson from the rcmp is saying something about a video. His mother wrote a very concise letter indicating he was mentally ill and asking for help. Not sure I'd trust Harper or the rcmp over a crack head, let alone his own mother. I don't agree with the cons foreign policy either, I don't agree with most of what they are doing to my country, and I'm not shy about expressing my view. That doesn't make me a terrorist...yet...but Harper wants to change that.
I'm not sure why, but I woke up pissed off at the world and ready for a fight! lol! A coffee and a couple of bong tokes calmed me down!
Remember, the weed is evil too and you shouldn't be allowed to grow or smoke it unless you're under supervision. Because no citizen of Canada is to be trusted to do the right thing without supervision, right?
maybe they should spend that cash on mental health?
seemed that was as much, or more, of the cause.

i agree with you chris; i'm very worried of all their talk of curtailing online hate speech.. what does that mean exactly? where's the line?
if i continue saying hail fuhrer Harpler.. will i get a knock?
i worry the curtailing of online hate speech will simply be the curtailing of freedom of speech.
You can bet that although the information is not 'out there' ANYONE who disses the Cons and their agenda is on a list of some sort. Fuck, some granny in B.C. takes a picture of some oil storage tanks for educational purposes and is visited by the RCMP as a suspected terrorist. Don't kid yourself, all of us on the MMPR list are 'known'.


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Listening to Harpo in this speech reminds me of Colin Powell addressing the United Nations with the lies about Saddam and the weapons of mass destruction 'shtick' ......circa 2003

Gotta say though, this Brand guy can grate on the nerves as well....
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More then likely they want to monitor everybody. I wonder how those kiddie porn guys who get busted get caught...not that i do shit like that, ha ha but I just wonder how they get caught, would not surprise me if some agency is eavesdropping online, legal or illegally it might not matter to them so long as they get the bad guys.

Heck I don;'t even believe in this Butt dialing 911--you know these stories we hear how some drug dealer who scored a big load of drugs, so happens to dial 911 accidentally and the local fuzz shows up and makes a big bust.....me thinks somebody like the FBI was monitoring them and THEY called 911 from the dudes cell phone so the local police would show us and make a "legal bust"..there has been too many of those butt dial bust for me to believe it really happens. I though that long before word got out that yes, NSA is listening to all phone calls...people were shock by that but not me.
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