crumble or shatter? which do you prefer...

do you make personal use or for other patients too? i used to make it and then my buddies would want some and i felt bad profiting but then my labor would be a loss. i just stopped, it's pretty fun doing it especially if the product turns out really blonde.
I only made for myself. I would make for patients if they allowed me use of their pot and compensation for the everclear. Other than that....I'm yet to be denied.
I'm just a dwarf in some smoking Giants here honestly. I like smoking herb but it's such a two way street that if it gets bad enough I will probably only vape or smoke herb and grow it. But in order to get to your level, I have to go to my college years and even that isn't fucking shit. I remember smoking up to an eighth a day but that was a crap 8th based by today's pot that I have. More beasters back then. Load and light. Today, it's light hold fucking fast. And then go around with the bong.
i used to smoke 1-2grams/day before i had to cut back and try concentrates. everyone ive introduced to crumble has a hard time going back to flower.
everclear, what is that?
it's ethanol alcohol. Probably the most known spirits in the US that is just plain ethanol and it's commercial so it is sold widely across the U.S.. It has two proofs, 151 and 195. Being 75.5 and 90 percent alcohol respectively. Both are priced the same.... Depending on which state you are in. It is literally the closest to moonshine but don't hold me to that. There are other ethanols too but more expensive and private bottled. At 20 dollars a fifth, this isn't cheap but it keeps the chemicals of ISO Away. ISO is safe as long as you use a non-denatured version. 50 and 91% are often most common and 99 % can be found too. I just like using the ethanol because ISO isnt edible.
i used to smoke 1-2grams/day before i had to cut back and try concentrates. everyone ive introduced to crumble has a hard time going back to flower.
Yes: the tokerance so to speak becomes so high that you get used to smoking something that no longer has flower product in it. Flower seems to become s thing of the past for dabblers like yourself. Moderation helps...but for me...I get way too zonked out to have concentrates every day. Of course they say your tolerance goes up fast but I. Like. Enjoying a high that comes less often. I'm saving my shatter-goo for when my friend comes back home. Looks better every time I see it in the miniature oil slick pad I rubbed it on and never needed to purge having winterized with ethanol..