Crowded during flower


Well-Known Member
My SCROG is in day 33 and the fan leaves are really coming in. I don't want to trim them but it looks like some smaller buds are starting to get over grown. What would you guys do?



Well-Known Member
You better rush them over to my house.. I'll take care of them for you :) Im seriously jealous. Blows my scrog away..

I guess just tuck what leaves you can..

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
start trimming all the smaller stuff under the screen that is not getting any light. This is good for a number of reasons. It concentrates more energy on the big colas and having less foliage under the screen with prevent disease. I have done scrogs defoliating and ONE not defoliating. My non defoliated scrog was the only one I ever had problems and got Powdery Mildew very bad. never again. U might just end up with larffy crap under there.. so my advice.. clean it out good where the light don't hit.
Looks awesome, nice work!


Well-Known Member
Thanks. Glad to hear it. I'm keeping updates in my journal if you want to see how she turns out.

I have a fan blowing in so there is lots of air circulation.

@ Dr. Amber Trichome
I have been trimming all the sprouts under the canopy. It's clean under there. I pull off a few fan leaves underneath every couple days. I only take the ones that are starting to die off. I can usually just pull the leaf and it will come off.


Global Moderator
Staff member
I clean them up as well - upwards of 16 or so inches of just stems & the big fan is down low plus another blowing across the top of the canopy (lights aren't cool tubes).
I usually push right to a gm per wt in a thick ass SCROG.