cross country road trip!!!!


Active Member
ok, this summer me and my older sister are heading out into the wilderness, more commonly referred to as "America". I should have aproxomately $3000, and an open mind... shit I am way over my head in this......
we are starting out going east from texas... basically...
any advice? tips or tricks? I'll come visit you!! lmao.



Active Member
haha it sounds fun thats my dream when i can raise some money like that and get the time. only tip i can think of is dont get busted it will ruin your whole trip, and as tempting as it iss, dont go on the waterslides high because the water sobers you right out!


Well-Known Member
You mean next summer right? Cause its fall here :D Check out the moutains of nc then when you're bored with all the old people here, head down to south carolina and check out the beachs, other than that i dunno. If i were to travel i'd go to canada and Ireland. Send me a couple g's and i'll let you know how my vacation was once i return :P


Active Member
Come pick me up :blsmoke: I'll bring my guitar, weed and some more funds lol I might be a little out of the way though bongsmilie
oh fuck yeah, we'll just have to make it international! lmao it started out as just the east coast...:mrgreen:
haha it sounds fun thats my dream when i can raise some money like that and get the time. only tip i can think of is dont get busted it will ruin your whole trip, and as tempting as it iss, dont go on the waterslides high because the water sobers you right out!
damn, I love waterslides :eyesmoke:
You mean next summer right? Cause its fall here :D Check out the moutains of nc then when you're bored with all the old people here, head down to south carolina and check out the beachs, other than that i dunno. If i were to travel i'd go to canada and Ireland. Send me a couple g's and i'll let you know how my vacation was once i return :P
NC is already on the list, gotta go visit Gotten ya know...
it's mostly NY, Cali,
Chicago, NC, Louisiana,
Minnesota, Maine... well that's just where I wanna go:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Were going to have to meet up somewhere in the middle. I was going to go this summer but now it looks like 2010. We wil be going south from central canada down thru michigan and a stop Illinois then to texas for the next friend stop. From there he may come with us west to cali. From there str8 up to vancouver and back east to home. I have a bunch of friends from xbox and here possible to meet along that trip. It will be like playing connect the dots with online friends, and it will be neat to meet so many of these people that I've talked to for like 4 years.


Well-Known Member
I know it's a ways away but that is the one thing that bugs me about a road trip south. Weed!! I can bring a bit across with me but need to make a bunch of connects along the way too. I know I'm good to go for that in most the places I listed but who knows a few little drive by sessions along the way would be cool too.